pve5to6 cluster upgrade warnings?


Jan 24, 2017
Hi all,

Just curious: I am preparing a PVE 5.4.X cluster for upgrade to PVE 6 and in doing so, I've run the pve5to6 prep script. It has noted a few warnings that I've sorted out except for this last one:

I have a 'local' and 'local-lvm' "enabled" on each node. The 'local' is enabled and ACTIVE (it's ZFS RAID-1 and contains the node's OS and PVE. The 'local-lvm' is ENABLED but NOT ACTIVE. It's been this way since the original default installation years ago (and it's the same on all nodes).

Will this cause problems with upgrading from PVE 5 to PVE 6?


That sounds like you are using a ZFS root with an LVM volume in your storage config. It being "not active" just means that the LVM volume couldn't be found, but since you say this has always been the case I assume you also haven't used 'local-lvm' to store anything (you can verify by selecting it in the left sidebar in the GUI and clicking on 'content').

If that is indeed the case you can safely upgrade, it will not hinder the process. You could even delete the storage from 'Datacenter->Storage', if there's nothing stored there (i.e. it doesn't exist) that won't do any harm but will get rid of the message for you.
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That's indeed the case. Thank you for a quick response and confirming, Stefan. Much appreciated!