PVE3.4 - Safely break up cluster?


Renowned Member
Aug 14, 2010
Northwest NSW, Australia
I have 2 nodes running 3.4 as a cluster. I want to break this up so I can upgrade/reinstall one with 5.x and start migrating the VZ containers to LXC.
Instructions seem to be to shut down node to be upgraded/reinstalled, then run "pvecm delnode <node>" on remaining node. However I have concerns that this may result in "no quorum" errors on the remaining node. The migration is likely to take me several weeks as I work around hardware complications and people's schedules. I need the 3.4 node to remain fully functional during that time.

Is it possible to completely "disband" the cluster and return the nodes to standalone usage without loss of data?
That could indeed be interessting..

It might not be the best solution but you could install a nested PVE ontop on the node you like to keep for the migration time so that will always be 2 "nodes" in the cluster.

But keep in mind that rebooting that node will be bad idea then.
Instructions seem to be to shut down node to be upgraded/reinstalled, then run "pvecm delnode <node>" on remaining node. However I have concerns that this may result in "no quorum" errors on the remaining node. The migration is likely to take me several weeks as I work around hardware complications and people's schedules. I need the 3.4 node to remain fully functional during that time.

Yes, you will have no quorum for sure, but in such a situation you can always set quorum votes to 1 with
pvecm expected 1
, if you are really sure the other node is not online anymore and need it juts to break it up.

Also, if all goes bad, you can stop the corosync and pve-cluster service, restart pmxcfs (pve-cluster) in local mode:
pmxcfs -l
and delete the cluster configuration file here, /etc/pve/cluster.conf and /etc/corosync/*, IIRC (my real last use of 3.4 was quite a bit ago...)
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I just tried shutting down the spare node and doing the "expected 1", and everything returned to working state. I'll be reinstalling with 5.x anyway, so I'll just ignore the reference to the second node. Fun and games ahead for me now :D

IIRC (my real last use of 3.4 was quite a bit ago...)
LOL - yeah, and so it should be for all of us. I can't help but feel mocked by the end of support notice every time I log into the web interface :p