I'm trying to use Ansible to manage VMs in Proxmox - specifically attach hookscripts as necessary. The hookscripts are valid and attach just fine via "qm set <vmid> --hookscript..." when run on the local PVE node. The issue is going through the Ansible provider, or rather the API in general I think. Adding hookscripts requires root@pam for some reason that I don't understand. It may be valid but I don't know what it is. My root@pam is set with 2FA, and cannot be called programmatically. I tried with API tokens, hoping a valid token would bypass this, but no luck. The token root@pam!temp_token seems to successfully validate, but returns "500 Internal Server Error only root can set hookscript". Am I misunderstanding the API tokens in general? I made sure root@pam!temp_token has the same rights root@pam does. Is root@pam!temp_token able to configure hookscripts?
API User + Password output:
API User + Token ID + Secret
API User + Token ID + Invalid Secret (to test token cred)
- name: Add hookscript to existing VM
api_user: root@pam
api_token_id: temp_token
api_token_secret: <secret>
api_host: helldorado
vmid: 999
node: sabrewulf
hookscript: local:snippets/hookscript.pl
update: true
API User + Password output:
An exception occurred during task execution. To see the full traceback, use -vvv. The error was: proxmoxer.core.AuthenticationError: Couldn't authenticate user: missing Two Factor Authentication (TFA)
fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "msg": "Couldn't authenticate user: missing Two Factor Authentication (TFA)"}
API User + Token ID + Secret
fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "msg": "Unable to update vm test-vm with vmid 123=500 Internal Server Error: only root can set 'hookscript' config", "vmid": 123}
API User + Token ID + Invalid Secret (to test token cred)
An exception occurred during task execution. To see the full traceback, use -vvv. The error was: proxmoxer.core.ResourceException: 401 Unauthorized: invalid token value! - {'errors': b''}
fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "msg": "401 Unauthorized: invalid token value! - {'errors': b''}"}