PVE - Proxmox Backup Server Storage with 2AF authenticated user...


Jul 12, 2024
I have a question.
I have a main online server which is syncing to my homelab via Proxmox Backup Server.
So far so good, I do that with a backup_user account with only one permisson for datastore management.
Now I would like to lay a second layer of protection with 2FA on top.
2FA by itself works fine, the only thing I struggle is, how to use the API tokens to setup the PVE > Proxmox Backup Server storage.
Of course I gave the backup_user both, API permission with a token and the User permission to do the job!

Bildschirmfoto 2024-10-13 um 08.47.06.png

Which login credentials from above should I use here, to be able to setup the PBS Storage device as followed?
I tried both user and api permission backup_user@pbs and backup_user@pbs!epyc with the responding password, but I can't get access.

Bildschirmfoto 2024-10-13 um 08.41.01.png

Help would be nice!
Strange, when set to permisson 'DatastoreAudit' it works flawless
I have a question.
I have a main online server which is syncing to my homelab via Proxmox Backup Server.
So far so good, I do that with a backup_user account with only one permisson for datastore management.
Now I would like to lay a second layer of protection with 2FA on top.
2FA by itself works fine, the only thing I struggle is, how to use the API tokens to setup the PVE > Proxmox Backup Server storage.
Of course I gave the backup_user both, API permission with a token and the User permission to do the job!

View attachment 76172

Which login credentials from above should I use here, to be able to setup the PBS Storage device as followed?
I tried both user and api permission backup_user@pbs and backup_user@pbs!epyc with the responding password, but I can't get access.

View attachment 76171

Help would be nice!

Update: with DatastoreAudit or DatastoreAdmin I was able to connect. DatastoreBackup still does not work.
Is there a way to see the permissions roles via SSH?
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