We have restricted PVE nodes to only being able to communicate with the following hosts:
This now predictably leads to our nodes not being able to check the subscription status. What additional URLs do we need to whitelist from our PVE nodes?
- [0-3].pool.ntp.org
- download.proxmox.com
- enterprise.proxmox.com
- ftp.debian.org
- security.debian.org
This now predictably leads to our nodes not being able to check the subscription status. What additional URLs do we need to whitelist from our PVE nodes?
[admin@kvm5i ~]# pvesubscription get
key: pve2c-<redacted>
message: subscription info too old
serverid: <redacted>
sockets: 2
status: Invalid
url: https://www.proxmox.com/proxmox-ve/pricing