PVE commands


Well-Known Member
Oct 28, 2009
I was curious if there was a webpage with the information about the various pve commands that are in the command line?
not really, someone should add a new wiki page with a summary - anyone?
Hi, Tom

i just begun dumping on that page some man page info, for a start. BTW i am too new to pve to write expert comments, but will add more knowledge as i get it, soon i hope :)

just don't know if what i started is good or not, it may become huge, because o qm, vzctl and other command that have really huge manpages, maybe too many infos there...
would it be better to link to the respective wikis, or other web pages, instead of reporting detailed infos?

i don't see the advantage of posting man pages into the wiki for the average user, since everyone has an up-to-date copy.
but it's a benefit for new users who want to see what's possible without installing.

if man pages are posted in the wiki, they should be in sync with the current release.
perhaps a better job for a bot than a human ;-)
yes, its an endless discussion. as the docu for the CLI is already on the CLI, why a wiki? but due to a lot of people asking we decided to start it - documentation is never perfect a never ending task but improving and extending documentation and support is one of the key successor´s of Proxmox VE.
Agree with Tom, and wiki space allows users to have a space where add comments to man pages, and also have a reference to differences between different "tool" versions that may arise in time

in the next days i think to create one page for any CLI "tool" available or useful to PVE, switching to each page its own "man" content, with a link to the official "documentation web page" if it exist (eg: aptitude), while leaving pve wiki as "official" documentation page for specific pve tools

in this way, the http://pve.proxmox.com/wiki/Command_line_tools page Martin created could be the "starting point" (a sort of index page) to the documentation of all the CLI tools a user may need to know dealing with pve...

I think this is a sort of compromise... let me know what you think... :)

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