Recently I'm getting often errors on File Downloads from PBS Backend:
PVE and PBS are on latest versions.
PVE Storage is ZFS and I found the following regarding topic:
Are there any limitations, known bugs for the File Restore?
Starting download of file: drive-scsi0.img.fidx/part/2/var/www/
reading file extraction stream failed - error reading a body from connection: unexpected EOF during chunk size line
file restore task failed: command
'/usr/bin/proxmox-file-restore extract '--crypt-mode=none' vm/100/2024-04-01T00:00:00Z '<base64>==' - --base64 1
--repository <redacted>@pbs@<redacted>:<datastore>' failed: exit code 1
PVE and PBS are on latest versions.
PVE Storage is ZFS and I found the following regarding topic:
Are there any limitations, known bugs for the File Restore?