[TUTORIAL] PVE 7.x Cluster Setup of shared LVM/LV with MSA2040 SAS [partial howto]

1. as said this was a research-project trying to bend behaviour to my needs, fencing gave alot of issues, so i turned it off, and never looked back to be honest.
2. i never had a full cluster/network fallout, so i have not reproduced this behaviour.
3. not have had that issue.
4. i am atm running latest pve-kernel-5.4/stable 6.2-6

My setup atm = 4x DL360Gen7 + MSA2040SAS+ 1 shelf added

Tell me, please, what about you network configuration? Have you link aggregation? What's the switch? Cisco? Microtik?
Something i had forgotten to mention in the whole previous is that the directory being offered to Proxmox is not set to shared.
As the GFS2 filesystem takes care of this by itself it is not needed to set the directory to 'shared'
When I try to migrate VM -> proxmox copyied qcow2 disk at the same storage with different number.
Only checkbox "shared" give me result when I can live migrate VM without copy disk?
This option can damage data or make cluster unstable?
Hi, this is interesting topic and something I am currently researching myself.
I have a question though. If I understand correctly, you have LUN connected to all nodes and you put LVM on top of it. Then you have gfs2 on top of LVM. Is that correct?
If yes, why do you need LVM and whole dance with LVM locking, when you have gfs2 on top? gfs2 with DLM directly on top of LUN should be enough and you should be able to skip whole LVM layer. Or am I missing something?
Yes, it is correct.

i am using lvmlockd in dlm for lockspace on the availabillity of volume( - groups and presented volumes)
then gfs2 as filesystem is used to ensure locking is done at the file-level.

It was just my favor for lvm that i started out with this .. never really looked into the possibility of skipping the dance with lvm
Hi, this is interesting topic and something I am currently researching myself.
I have a question though. If I understand correctly, you have LUN connected to all nodes and you put LVM on top of it. Then you have gfs2 on top of LVM. Is that correct?
If yes, why do you need LVM and whole dance with LVM locking, when you have gfs2 on top? gfs2 with DLM directly on top of LUN should be enough and you should be able to skip whole LVM layer. Or am I missing something?
Hm... Well. May be. But now I use CEPH and its so better, because work well without hard.
Since latest kernel / version of PVE i got rid of some blocking issues i had.
Basically i was unable to upgrade PVE beyond a specific kernel version where when i did upgrade i was facing kernel-panic's as soon as i launched a VM/CT on it.

This issue seems to be solved again with latest 6.3 release, as i have not encountered issues like this since upgrading to 6.3 ... even with having experienced a powercut yesterday/last night the whole cluster came up just fine, and all defined hosts came up accordingly.

As i am currently also exploring ansible - as an alternative to puppet (as i find it more easy) i am testing on one node of the cluster a deployment/maintainment playbook.
Since latest kernel / version of PVE i got rid of some blocking issues i had.
Basically i was unable to upgrade PVE beyond a specific kernel version where when i did upgrade i was facing kernel-panic's as soon as i launched a VM/CT on it.

This issue seems to be solved again with latest 6.3 release, as i have not encountered issues like this since upgrading to 6.3 ... even with having experienced a powercut yesterday/last night the whole cluster came up just fine, and all defined hosts came up accordingly.

As i am currently also exploring ansible - as an alternative to puppet (as i find it more easy) i am testing on one node of the cluster a deployment/maintainment playbook.
Good! By the word, CEPH needs many GB RAM
It has been a long time sice i posted in this thread,

Alot has changed over the time which has passed.
  • we have a PVE 7 release ( yes i upgraded to it)
  • i am still working on ansible as alternative of puppet, and i think i am quite close to getting it finalised.
Just a peek on the playbook i am working on :

# ./roles/proxmox/tasks/main.yml

# As this is HP hardware we are dealing with, and the repo is not yet available on bullseye i am currently stuck with this.
- name: Add HP repository into sources list using specified filename
    repo: deb http://downloads.linux.hpe.com/SDR/repo/mcp buster/current non-free
    state: present
    filename: mcp

- name: Add ProxMox free repository into sources list using specified filename
    repo: deb http://download.proxmox.com/debian/pve bullseye pve-no-subscription
    state: present
    filename: pve-install-repo

# I dont have a sub, so this needs to be removed
- name: Remove ProxMox Enterprise repository from sources list using specified filename
    repo: deb https://enterprise.proxmox.com/debian/pve bullseye pve-enterprise
    state: absent
    filename: pve-enterprise

- name: Install additional packages needed for ProxMox Cluster environment
      - lvm2-lockd
      - dlm-controld
      - gfs2-utils
    state: present

- name: Update apt-get repo and cache
    update_cache: yes
    force_apt_get: yes
    cache_valid_time: 3600

- name: Upgrade all apt packages
    upgrade: dist
    force_apt_get: yes

# register the need for a reboot, but action following the result has yet to be made- DANGER ! as we are dealing with a cluster here, so dont want it to go down/reboot fully - need to spread reboots - for now its manual interaction.
- name: Check if a reboot is needed for ProxMox boxes
  register: reboot_required_file
  stat: path=/var/run/reboot-required get_md5=no

- name: Ensure customised dlm.conf is present
    src: 'dlm.conf.j2'
    dest: '/etc/dlm/dlm.conf'
    mode: 0600

- name: Ensure lvm.conf contains lvmlockd = 1
    src: 'lvm.conf.j2'
    dest: '/etc/lvm/lvm.conf'
    mode: 0600

- name: Ensure shared volumes and mountpoint definition file is present
    src: 'lvmshared.conf.j2'
    dest: '/etc/lvm/lvmshared.conf'
    mode: 0600

- name: Ensure the mountscript for shared volume is available
    src: lvmmount.sh.j2
    dest: '/usr/local/share/lvmmount.sh'
    mode: 0700

- name: Ensure Systemd service for shared volumes is present
    src: 'lvshared.service.j2'
    dest: '/usr/lib/systemd/system/lvshared.service'
    mode: 0644
- name: Ensure SystemD service pve-guests has a After=lvshared.service entry
    path: /usr/lib/systemd/system/pve-guests.service
    regexp: '^After=lvshared.service'
    insertafter: '^After=pve-ha-crm.service$'
    line: After=lvshared.service
    mode: 0644

- name: Force systemd to reread configs (2.4 and above)
    daemon_reload: yes

# i had issues where known_hosts was incorrectly sym-linked, or not at all - so i check and recreate
- name: check if /etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts is present
  stat: path=/etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts
  register: ssh_known_hosts_stat

- name: Delete /etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts
    path: /etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts
    state: absent
  when: ssh_known_hosts_stat.stat.exists

- name: Symlink /etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts to /etc/pve/priv/known_hosts
    src: /etc/pve/priv/known_hosts
    dest: /etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts
    owner: root
    state: link

- name: Add nodes to known_hosts
    path: /etc/pve/priv/known_hosts
    name: '{{ item.name }}'
    key: '{{ item.name }} {{ item.key }}'
  loop: '{{ my_node_keys }}'
  no_log: true

- name: check if /root/.ssh/ssh_known_hosts is present
  stat: path=/root/.ssh/known_hosts
  register: root_known_hosts_stat

- name: Delete /root/.ssh/known_hosts
    path: /root/.ssh/known_hosts
    state: absent
  when: root_known_hosts_stat.stat.exists

- name: Symlink /root/.ssh/known_hosts to /etc/pve/priv/known_hosts
    src: /etc/pve/priv/known_hosts
    dest: /root/.ssh/known_hosts
    owner: root
    state: link

- name: Set up Node authorized keys
    manage_dir: no
    path: /etc/pve/priv/authorized_keys
    user: root
    state: present
    key: '{{ item.key }}'
  loop: '{{ my_node_keys }}'
  no_log: true

Hope this info helps in automating/keeping a cluster-env in check the 'ansible'-way

Edit : 15/07/2021 - straightened out most mixings of style
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Hello smart people! It's very good thread Glowsome, thank You! all

Last days i'm trying to set up fresh (PVE 7.0.11), 2-node cluster with one iSCSI ssd netapp storage. I'd like to have shared storage for VMs, with thin-provissioning and snapshots on it (eventually qcow2 in local directory).

So i've decided to get it done by multi-path iSCSI with non-direct LUN which can be used for both nodes as gfs2 directory mouned storage with dlm manager (working with corosync). Then i could simply add in GUI shared direcotry (pointed to gfs2 mounted storage) and voila, make some tests.

For now, I've already set up and tested multipath iSCSI (over 120k iops), it's visible in nodes as /dev/mapper/device which i can partition and mkfs.gfs2 without any problems.
root@mycluster:~# tunegfs2 -l /dev/mapper/my-storage-part1
File system volume name: KRONOS:fullgfs2
File system UUID: 51e554ba-8643-4db4-8819-8c0abf5181bb
File system magic number: 0x1161970
Block size: 4096
Block shift: 12
Root inode: 263772
Master inode: 131357
Lock protocol: lock_dlm
Lock table: KRONOS:fullgfs2

On both nodes /etc/dlm/dlm.conf is like:
#fence_all /bin/true
lockspace KRONOS nodir=1
#master KRONOS node=1
#master KRONOS node=2

On both nodes the dlm_tool status -n shows:
cluster nodeid 1 quorate 1 ring seq 487 487
daemon now 4547 fence_pid 0
node 1 M add 2740 rem 0 fail 0 fence 0 at 0 0
node 2 M add 2740 rem 0 fail 0 fence 0 at 0 0

And finally when i'd like to mount system to direcotory i get only:
mount -t gfs2 -o noatime /dev/mapper/my-storage-part1 /STORAGE_shared_GFS2_on_iqn_lun-indirect-MPiSCSI
mount: /STORAGE_shared_GFS2_on_iqn_lun-indirect-MPiSCSI: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/mapper/my-storage-part1, missing codepage or helper program, or other error.

There are no errors in messages and only manual running dlm_controld --daemon_debug gives 2 errors on startup:
740 /sys/kernel/config/dlm/cluster/comms: opendir failed: 2
2740 /sys/kernel/config/dlm/cluster/spaces: opendir failed: 2

I've found there coould be no modules such GFS2_FS_LOCKING_DLM but the kernel has it build-in

So i have no clue why i can't just mount the filesystem in my directory. Please help, even small hint can save the world :)

i forgot to add that when i prepare the filesystem as local and not cluster by
mkfs.gfs2 -p lock_nolock
then i can mount it with no complaints. So i was looking for some dlm misconfiguration but every docs on web doesn't give me a clue
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So i've found in syslog proper message saying:
dlm: TCP protocol can't handle multi-homed hosts, try SCTP

The point is that i've set up cluster (by gui) in dual ring for corosync and didn't care about corosync.conf because it's working fine. But DLM is somehow strangely detect tcp protocol, not sctp. When i put "protocol=sctp" in dlm.conf it started to working. In my opinion it shoudl work with tcp also but maybe someone smarter point's out how&why it really should work.
btw actual repo gfs-utils package is version 3.3.0-2 and by default mkfs.gfs2 makes journal in 512mb size which is different than in manuals (default should be 128). For now i'm testing this filesystem after making and mounting as below:

mkfs.gfs2 -p lock_dlm -t KRONOS:fullgfs2 -j 2 -J 128 /dev/mapper/my-storage-part1
mount -t gfs2 -o noatime /dev/mapper/netapp-ef280-storage-part1 /dysk/
Just an update from my end, it seems the location (since a bit ( now running 7.0.14 PVE) ) of the unitfile has changed, and introduced some issues so i had to adapt my Ansible playbook.
# ./roles/proxmox/tasks/main.yml

- name: remove mcp repository to reset content
    path: /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mcp.list
    state: absent

- name: Add HP repository into sources list using specified filename (Debian 10)
    repo: deb http://downloads.linux.hpe.com/SDR/repo/mcp buster/current non-free
    state: present
    filename: mcp
    - ansible_facts['distribution'] == "Debian"
    - ansible_facts['distribution_major_version'] == "10"

- name: Add HP repository into sources list using specified filename (Debian 11)
    repo: deb http://downloads.linux.hpe.com/SDR/repo/mcp bullseye/current non-free
    state: present
    filename: mcp
    - ansible_facts['distribution'] == "Debian"
    - ansible_facts['distribution_major_version'] == "11"

- name: Add ProxMox free repository into sources list using specified filename (Debian 10)
    repo: deb http://download.proxmox.com/debian buster pve-no-subscription
    state: present
    filename: pve-install-repo
    - ansible_facts['distribution'] == "Debian"
    - ansible_facts['distribution_major_version'] == "10"

- name: Remove ProxMox Enterprise repository from sources list using specified filename (Debian 10)
    repo: deb https://enterprise.proxmox.com/debian/pve buster pve-enterprise
    state: absent
    filename: pve-enterprise
    - ansible_facts['distribution'] == "Debian"
    - ansible_facts['distribution_major_version'] == "10"

- name: Remove ProxMox Enterprise repository from sources list using specified filename (Debian 11)
    repo: deb https://enterprise.proxmox.com/debian/pve bullseye pve-enterprise
    state: absent
    filename: pve-enterprise
    - ansible_facts['distribution'] == "Debian"
    - ansible_facts['distribution_major_version'] == "11"

- name: Add ProxMox free repository into sources list using specified filename (Debian 11)
    repo: deb http://download.proxmox.com/debian/pve bullseye pve-no-subscription
    state: present
    filename: pve-install-repo
    - ansible_facts['distribution'] == "Debian"
    - ansible_facts['distribution_major_version'] == "10"

- name: Remove ProxMox Enterprise repository from sources list using specified filename (Debian 10)
    repo: deb https://enterprise.proxmox.com/debian/pve buster pve-enterprise
    state: absent
    filename: pve-enterprise
    - ansible_facts['distribution'] == "Debian"
    - ansible_facts['distribution_major_version'] == "10"

- name: Remove ProxMox Enterprise repository from sources list using specified filename (Debian 11)
    repo: deb https://enterprise.proxmox.com/debian/pve bullseye pve-enterprise
    state: absent
    filename: pve-enterprise
    - ansible_facts['distribution'] == "Debian"
    - ansible_facts['distribution_major_version'] == "11"

- name: Add ProxMox free repository into sources list using specified filename (Debian 11)
    repo: deb http://download.proxmox.com/debian/pve bullseye pve-no-subscription
    state: present
    filename: pve-install-repo
    - ansible_facts['distribution'] == "Debian"
    - ansible_facts['distribution_major_version'] == "11"

- name: Remove ProxMox Enterprise repository from sources list using specified filename (Debian 11)
    repo: deb https://enterprise.proxmox.com/debian/pve bullseye pve-enterprise
    state: absent
    filename: pve-enterprise
    - ansible_facts['distribution'] == "Debian"
    - ansible_facts['distribution_major_version'] == "11"

- name: Register hostname to determine if its part of a cluster
  ansible.builtin.command: 'hostname --fqdn'
  register: nodename

#- name: Print information about nodename
#  ansible.builtin.debug:
#    var: nodename.stdout

- name: Install additional packages needed for ProxMox Cluster environment
      - lvm2-lockd
      - dlm-controld
      - gfs2-utils
    state: present
  when: nodename.stdout is regex("^node0?\.*.")

- name: Update apt-get repo and cache
    update_cache: yes
    force_apt_get: yes
    cache_valid_time: 3600

- name: Upgrade all apt packages
    upgrade: dist
    force_apt_get: yes

- name: Check if a reboot is needed for ProxMox boxes
    path: /var/run/reboot-required
  register: check_reboot

- name: Print information about reboot
    var: check_reboot

- name: Ensure customised dlm.conf is present
    src: 'dlm.conf.j2'
    dest: '/etc/dlm/dlm.conf'
    mode: 0600
  when: nodename.stdout is regex("^node0?\.*.")

- name: Ensure lvm.conf contains lvmlockd = 1
    src: 'lvm.conf.j2'
    dest: '/etc/lvm/lvm.conf'
    mode: 0600
  when: nodename.stdout is regex("^node0?\.*.")

- name: Ensure shared volumes and mountpoint definition file is present
    src: 'lvmshared.conf.j2'
    dest: '/etc/lvm/lvmshared.conf'
    mode: 0600
  when: nodename.stdout is regex("^node0?\.*.")

- name: Ensure the mountscript for shared volume is available
    src: lvmmount.sh.j2
    dest: '/usr/local/share/lvmmount.sh'
    mode: 0700
  when: nodename.stdout is regex("^node0?\.*.")

- name: Ensure Systemd service for shared volumes is present
    src: 'lvshared.service.j2'
    dest: '/usr/lib/systemd/system/lvshared.service'
    mode: 0644
  when: nodename.stdout is regex("^node0?\.*.")

- name: Remove possible wrong location of After=lvshared.service
    path: /lib/systemd/system/pve-guests.service
    regexp: '^After=lvshared.service'
    state: absent
  when: nodename.stdout is regex("^node0?\.*.")

- name: Ensure Systemd service pve-guests has an After=lvshared.service entry
    path: /lib/systemd/system/pve-guests.service
    regexp: '^After=lvshared.service'
    insertafter: '^After=pve-ha-crm.service.*'
    line: After=lvshared.service
    mode: 0644
  when: nodename.stdout is regex("^node0?\.*.")

- name: Force systemd to reread configs (2.4 and above)
    daemon_reload: yes

- name: Check /root/.ssh/authorised_keys
    path: /root/.ssh/authorized_keys
    get_checksum: no
  register: ssh_authorized_keys_stat

- name: Delete /root/.ssh/authorised_keys when not a symlink or not linked correctly
    path: /root/.ssh/authorised_keys
    state: absent
    - ssh_authorized_keys_stat.stat.islnk is not defined or ssh_authorized_keys_stat.stat.lnk_target != "/etc/pve/priv/authorized_keys"

- name: Symlink /root/.ssh/authorized_keys to /etc/pve/priv/authorized_keys
    src: /etc/pve/priv/authorized_keys
    dest: /root/.ssh/authorized_keys
    owner: root
    state: link
    - ssh_authorized_keys_stat.stat.islnk is not defined or ssh_authorized_keys_stat.stat.lnk_target != "/etc/pve/priv/authorized_keys"

- name: Check /etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts
    path: /etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts
    get_checksum: no
  register: ssh_known_hosts_stat

- name: Delete /etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts when not a symlink or not linked correctly
    path: /etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts
    state: absent
    - ssh_known_hosts_stat.stat.islnk is not defined or ssh_known_hosts_stat.stat.lnk_target != "/etc/pve/priv/known_hosts"

- name: Symlink /etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts to /etc/pve/priv/known_hosts
    src: /etc/pve/priv/known_hosts
    dest: /etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts
    owner: root
    state: link
    - ssh_known_hosts_stat.stat.islnk is not defined or ssh_known_hosts_stat.stat.lnk_target != "/etc/pve/priv/known_hosts"

- name: Add nodes to known_hosts
    path: /etc/pve/priv/known_hosts
    name: '{{ item.name }}'
    key: '{{ item.name }} {{ item.key }}'
  loop: '{{ my_node_keys }}'
  no_log: true
  when: nodename.stdout is regex("^node0?\.*.")

- name: Check if /root/.ssh/ssh_known_hosts
    path: /root/.ssh/known_hosts
    get_checksum: no
  register: root_known_hosts_stat

- name: Delete /root/.ssh/known_hosts when not a symlink or not linked correctly
    path: /root/.ssh/known_hosts
    state: absent
    - root_known_hosts_stat.stat.islnk is not defined or root_known_hosts_stat.stat.lnk_target != "/etc/pve/priv/known_hosts"

- name: Symlink /root/.ssh/known_hosts to /etc/pve/priv/known_hosts
    src: /etc/pve/priv/known_hosts
    dest: /root/.ssh/known_hosts
    owner: root
    state: link
    - root_known_hosts_stat.stat.islnk is not defined or root_known_hosts_stat.stat.lnk_target != "/etc/pve/priv/known_hosts"

- name: Set up Node authorized keys
    manage_dir: no
    path: /etc/pve/priv/authorized_keys
    user: root
    state: present
    key: '{{ item.key }}'
  loop: '{{ my_node_keys }}'
  no_log: true
  when: nodename.stdout is regex("^node0?\.*.")

- name: Add keys to ssh_known_hosts
    path: /etc/pve/priv/known_hosts
    name: '{{ item.name }}'
    key: '{{ item.name }} {{ item.key }}'
  loop: '{{ my_host_keys }}'
  no_log: true
  when: nodename.stdout is regex("^node0?\.*.")

The playbook will also correct incorrect placement of the systemd unitfile dependancy in the pve-guests unitfile.
Last edited:
Still suffering from a Timing-issue that when i reboot a node it hangs after shutting down all VM's/Containers.
From the cluster-perspective this is quite unwanted.
At the moment i just hard-reboot the node from iLO ( HP's solution on servers to manage them from remote via a management board)

Al in all me dealing with an exotic configuration seems to work out fine for the most, but as said still searching for some solutions to what i am dealing with.

About the "sleep 10" added int the unitfile "lvmlockd.service" you do not have to modify the file.

You can create a directory "/etc/systemd/lvmlockd.service.d/" and create a file "sleep.conf" (exemple) with the content

ExecStartPre=/usr/bin/sleep 10

or you can create a directory "/etc/systemd/dlm.service.d/" and create a file "sleep.conf"

ExecStartPost=/usr/bin/sleep 10

An update can overwrite the file "lvmlockd.service" or "dlm.service" no problem.

Best regards.


About "- activate the shared LV" and "- mount the LV on the filesystem" we can to that with only "/etc/fstab" entries and an "unitfile".

For your purpose add the line to "/etc/fstab"

/dev/cluster02/backups /data/backups gfs2 noatime,nodiratime,noauto 1 2

"noatime,nodiratime" is for gfs2 performance,
"noauto" for no automatic mount we mount manually after all LVM shared up.

And add the "unitfile" /etc/systemd/system/lvmshare.service

Description=LVM locking LVs and mount LVs start and stop
After=lvmlocks.service lvmlockd.service sanlock.service dlm.service


# start lockspaces LVs and mount LVs
ExecStart=/usr/bin/bash -c "/usr/sbin/vgs --noheadings -o name -S vg_shared=yes | xargs /usr/sbin/lvchange -asy; /usr/sbin/lvs --noheadings -o lv_path -S vg_shared=yes | xargs mount"

# stop lockspaces LVS after umount LVs
ExecStop=/usr/bin/bash -c "/usr/sbin/lvs --noheadings -o lv_path -S vg_shared=yes | xargs umount; /usr/sbin/vgs --noheadings -o name -S vg_shared=yes | xargs /usr/sbin/lvchange -an"


This unitfile work like the "lvmlocks.service" witch start all shared VG so all shared LV are started and mounted.

The command "/usr/sbin/vgs --noheadings -o name -S vg_shared=yes | xargs /usr/sbin/lvchange -asy" activate ALL shared LV in shared mode "-asy".

The command "usr/sbin/lvs --noheadings -o lv_path -S vg_shared=yes | xargs mount" mount ALL the LVs using the fstab.

Error if a LV is not in the fstab...

PS: I am locking for a nomencalture for the names of the VGs, LVs, mountpoint, potentialy we can have multiple VGs, LVs and mountpoint.
For the gfs2 locktablename I used clustername:vgname-lvname

Best regards.


LVM shares need to be up before the guests starts we can add this to the unit lvmshare.service "Before=pve-guests.service"

Description=LVM locking LVs and mount LVs start and stop
After=lvmlocks.service lvmlockd.service sanlock.service dlm.service


# start lockspaces LVs and mount LVs
ExecStart=/usr/bin/bash -c "/usr/sbin/vgs --noheadings -o name -S vg_shared=yes | xargs /usr/sbin/lvchange -asy; /usr/sbin/lvs --noheadings -o lv_path -S vg_shared=yes | xargs mount"

# stop lockspaces LVS after umount LVs
ExecStop=/usr/bin/bash -c "/usr/sbin/lvs --noheadings -o lv_path -S vg_shared=yes | xargs umount; /usr/sbin/vgs --noheadings -o name -S vg_shared=yes | xargs /usr/sbin/lvchange -an"


Another information for the "multipath.conf" I used these config.

defaults {
user_friendly_names yes

blacklist {
device {
product .*

blacklist_exceptions {
device {
product "MSA [12]0[45]0 SA[NS]"

With this config no need to do a modification if you add a lun.
Change de "product" with your hardware name.

Best regards.
