PVE 6.3.6: Is there support for multiple disk remapping for online live migrations?


Oct 15, 2019

Is there support for an online VM live migration using local disks such that a VM with 3 virtual disks, each on a separate non-shared source host local disk can be re-mapped to 3 new local disks on destination host?

The UI seems to only support an atomic move of the entire VM with all disks to either the current layout, or a new layout of only 1 disk. Each Virtual Disk cannot be individually re-mapped. The qm migrate --targetstorage command doesn't seem to indicate it is possible either.

If you run the migration from the commandline and you use the --targetstorage option, you can add a mapping, for example:
If you run the migration from the commandline and you use the --targetstorage option, you can add a mapping, for example:
Hi Aaron,
Thanks for your response. I'm not sure if i'm correctly understanding, or perhaps explaining the situation. What i'm hoping to understand is the following:

Source of Live Migration:
Disk0: 100GB Local-ZFS PoolA1
Disk1: 200GB Local-ZFS PoolA2
DIsk2: 300GB Local-ZFS PoolA3
Disk3: 400GB Local-ZFS PoolA3

Destination of Live Migration:
Disk0: 100GB Local-ZFS PoolB1
Disk1: 200GB Local-ZFS PoolB1
Disk2: 300GB Local-ZFS PoolB2
DIsk3: 400GB Local-ZFS PoolB3

Note that the Pools on a virtual disk by virtual disk basis change, and the Pool Names are not the same. So can I map Disk0 to go from PoolA1 --> PoolB1, and DIsk1 to go from PoolA2 --> PoolB1, Disk2 to go from PoolA3-->PoolB2 and Disk3 to go from PoolA3-->PoolB3 all in one Live migration?

Currently I had to move them temporarily to a shared remote Ceph RBD, which allowed the VM to migrate, and then I had to move each disk independently, but would love to skip this if possible. Does the --targetstorage support this multiple, concurrent remapping? if so, can you please provide the syntax? If not, is this something you might consider?

Not sure if anyone else is using local ZFS pools, and if so, whether they also use multiple or not, but would really appreciate understanding whether multiple ZFS pool re-mappings can occur in a live migration. Thanks in advance.
If you run it iike that, it will map the local storages:
qm migrate 777 pve2 --targetstorage "local-pve1-a:local-pve2-x,local-pve1-b:local-pve2-y" --with-local-disks  --online

Meaning, disks on local-pve1-a will be placed on local-pve2-x and so on. Obviously, having the same storage names across the cluster makes things easier.
Thanks Aaron, really appreciate it. We will test it out next time we need to execute that type of move rather than using an intermediary.