We are running Proxmox VE 5.1 with Ceph Luminous and are booted off kernel 4.13.4-1-pve.
We have templates, from which we typically create linked clones. This consolidates disc usage and speeds up access, as there is a higher probability of the common base being cached. When attempting to create linked clones, after upgrading everything, we receive the following error:
Looks like PVE is attempting to disable a feature which is already disabled...
We have working VMs which are currently running, using KRBD, off linked clones:
Our /etc/pve/storage.cfg file:
RBD image information, for the template, the protected clone source image and a working VM:
PS: When running 'apt-get update; apt-get -y dist-upgrade;' we observe an odd notification which we haven't seen before:
We have templates, from which we typically create linked clones. This consolidates disc usage and speeds up access, as there is a higher probability of the common base being cached. When attempting to create linked clones, after upgrading everything, we receive the following error:
create linked clone of drive scsi0 (virtuals:base-191-disk-1)
clone base-191-disk-1: base-191-disk-1 snapname __base__ to vm-234-disk-1
rbd: failed to update image features: 2017-11-22 13:11:13.010595 7f742bba8d00 -1 librbd::Operations: one or more requested features are already disabled(22) Invalid argument
TASK ERROR: clone failed: could not disable krbd-incompatible image features of rbd volume vm-234-disk-1: rbd: failed to update image features: 2017-11-22 13:11:13.010595 7f742bba8d00 -1 librbd::Operations: one or more requested features are already disabled(22) Invalid argument
Looks like PVE is attempting to disable a feature which is already disabled...
We have working VMs which are currently running, using KRBD, off linked clones:
[admin@kvm5c ~]# rbd ls -l
base-191-disk-1 40960M 2
base-191-disk-1@__base__ 40960M 2 yes
vm-223-disk-1 40960M rbd/base-191-disk-1@__base__ 2
Our /etc/pve/storage.cfg file:
rbd: virtuals
content images,rootdir
pool rbd
krbd 1
username admin
RBD image information, for the template, the protected clone source image and a working VM:
[admin@kvm5c ~]# rbd info base-191-disk-1
rbd image 'base-191-disk-1':
size 40960 MB in 10240 objects
order 22 (4096 kB objects)
block_name_prefix: rbd_data.0849e42ae8944a
format: 2
features: layering
[admin@kvm5c ~]# rbd info base-191-disk-1@__base__
rbd image 'base-191-disk-1':
size 40960 MB in 10240 objects
order 22 (4096 kB objects)
block_name_prefix: rbd_data.0849e42ae8944a
format: 2
features: layering
protected: True
[admin@kvm5c ~]# rbd info vm-223-disk-1
rbd image 'vm-223-disk-1':
size 40960 MB in 10240 objects
order 22 (4096 kB objects)
block_name_prefix: rbd_data.5c1e8e3d1b58ba
format: 2
features: layering
parent: rbd/base-191-disk-1@__base__
overlap: 40960 MB
PS: When running 'apt-get update; apt-get -y dist-upgrade;' we observe an odd notification which we haven't seen before:
The following packages have been kept back: