PVE 4.0 LXC on ZFS-Storage fails


Renowned Member
Jan 4, 2015

mein englisch ist leider etwas eingeschlafen.

Ich habe das Upgrade auf die Version 4.0 durchgeführt. Nun wollte ich mal schauen wie die Geschichte mit LXC ausschaut. Habe ein Container über das Webinterface angelegt und erhalte einen Fehler bezüglich des mountpoints.

Als Storage habe ZFS gewählt und auch im Webinterface diesen für Container freigegeben.

Im Webinterface erscheint folgender Fehler:

mount: special device /rpool/subvol-101-disk-1 does not exist
mounting container failed - command 'mount -o bind /rpool/subvol-101-disk-1 /var/lib/lxc/101/rootfs/' failed: exit code 32
extracting archive '/var/lib/vz/template/cache/debian-8.0-standard_8.0-1_amd64.tar.gz'
Total bytes read: 533012480 (509MiB, 96MiB/s)
Detected container architecture: amd64
Creating SSH host key 'ssh_host_dsa_key' - this may take some time ...
Creating SSH host key 'ssh_host_key' - this may take some time ...
Creating SSH host key 'ssh_host_rsa_key' - this may take some time ...
Creating SSH host key 'ssh_host_ed25519_key' - this may take some time ...
Creating SSH host key 'ssh_host_ecdsa_key' - this may take some time ...

Aus der daemon.log entnehme ich folgenden aufälligen Eintrag

Oct  7 06:32:43 pve pvedaemon[16322]: mounting container failed - command 'mount -o bind /rpool/subvol-101-disk-1 /var/lib/lxc/101/rootfs/' failed: exit code 32

Auch manuell über das Terminal komme ich zu keiner Lösung

pct create 101 /var/lib/vz/template/cache/debian-8.0-standard_8.0-1_amd64.tar.gz  -storage images
mount: special device /rpool/subvol-101-disk-1 does not exist
mounting container failed - command 'mount -o bind /rpool/subvol-101-disk-1 /var/lib/lxc/101/rootfs/' failed: exit code 32
extracting archive '/var/lib/vz/template/cache/debian-8.0-standard_8.0-1_amd64.tar.gz'
Total bytes read: 533012480 (509MiB, 84MiB/s)
Detected container architecture: amd64
Creating SSH host key 'ssh_host_ecdsa_key' - this may take some time ...
Creating SSH host key 'ssh_host_dsa_key' - this may take some time ...
Creating SSH host key 'ssh_host_key' - this may take some time ...
Creating SSH host key 'ssh_host_ed25519_key' - this may take some time ...
Creating SSH host key 'ssh_host_rsa_key' - this may take some time ...

Scheinbar wird der mountpoint nicht richtig angelegt

zfs list

NAME                      USED  AVAIL  REFER  MOUNTPOINT
rpool                     301G   598G   104K  /mnt
rpool/ROOT               24.6G   598G    96K  /mnt/ROOT
rpool/ROOT/pve-1         24.6G   598G  24.6G  /
rpool/subvol-101-disk-1    96K  4.00G    96K  /mnt/subvol-101-disk-1
rpool/swap               4.25G   602G   186M  -
rpool/swapreal           8.50G   606G    88K  -
rpool/vm-100-disk-3       264G   834G  27.7G  -

Ich hoffe ihr oder wir kommen zu einer Problemlösung
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please write in English, because outer wise nobody is able to help you.
Hello, my English is unfortunately fallen asleep a little. I have upgraded to version 4.0. Now I wanted to see how the story looks with LXC. Have a container created through the web interface and get an error with respect to the mount points. As Storage ZFS have chosen and those released also in the web interface for container. The following error appears in the web interface:

mount: special device /rpool/subvol-101-disk-1 does not exist
mounting container failed - command 'mount -o bind /rpool/subvol-101-disk-1 /var/lib/lxc/101/rootfs/' failed: exit code 32
extracting archive '/var/lib/vz/template/cache/debian-8.0-standard_8.0-1_amd64.tar.gz'
Total bytes read: 533012480 (509MiB, 96MiB/s)
Detected container architecture: amd64
Creating SSH host key 'ssh_host_dsa_key' - this may take some time ...
Creating SSH host key 'ssh_host_key' - this may take some time ...
Creating SSH host key 'ssh_host_rsa_key' - this may take some time ...
Creating SSH host key 'ssh_host_ed25519_key' - this may take some time ...
Creating SSH host key 'ssh_host_ecdsa_key' - this may take some time ...

From daemon.log I gather following eye-catching entry

Oct  7 06:32:43 pve pvedaemon[16322]: mounting container failed - command 'mount -o bind /rpool/subvol-101-disk-1 /var/lib/lxc/101/rootfs/' failed: exit code 32

Manually to get from the terminal to any solution

pct create 101 /var/lib/vz/template/cache/debian-8.0-standard_8.0-1_amd64.tar.gz  -storage images
mount: special device /rpool/subvol-101-disk-1 does not exist
mounting container failed - command 'mount -o bind /rpool/subvol-101-disk-1 /var/lib/lxc/101/rootfs/' failed: exit code 32
extracting archive '/var/lib/vz/template/cache/debian-8.0-standard_8.0-1_amd64.tar.gz'
Total bytes read: 533012480 (509MiB, 84MiB/s)
Detected container architecture: amd64
Creating SSH host key 'ssh_host_ecdsa_key' - this may take some time ...
Creating SSH host key 'ssh_host_dsa_key' - this may take some time ...
Creating SSH host key 'ssh_host_key' - this may take some time ...
Creating SSH host key 'ssh_host_ed25519_key' - this may take some time ...
Creating SSH host key 'ssh_host_rsa_key' - this may take some time ...

is apparently the mountpoint not applied properly

zfs list

NAME                      USED  AVAIL  REFER  MOUNTPOINT
rpool                     301G   598G   104K  /mnt
rpool/ROOT               24.6G   598G    96K  /mnt/ROOT
rpool/ROOT/pve-1         24.6G   598G  24.6G  /
rpool/subvol-101-disk-1    96K  4.00G    96K  /mnt/subvol-101-disk-1
rpool/swap               4.25G   602G   186M  -
rpool/swapreal           8.50G   606G    88K  -
rpool/vm-100-disk-3       264G   834G  27.7G  -

I hope you or we come to a problem-solving
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The problem are the mount points in zfs.
you map it to /mnt and not to /rpool where pct is aspect it.
you should change the mountpoint, because if you create a new subvol the mount point is inhered from root.
I think this is a bug in proxmox then. Where do I change this mountpoint? In my case:

rpool/ROOT/pve-1/subvol-201-disk-1 96K 8.00G 96K /subvol-201-disk-1

command 'mount -o bind /rpool/ROOT/pve-1/subvol-201-disk-1 /var/lib/lxc/201/rootfs/' failed: exit code 32
Well it seems that you have to use a storage repo that uses ROOT as the ZFS pool, otherwise lxc fail to start as they can't find the mountpoint.



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