ProxmoxVE Hosting Provider for the US

thats what we have for CT´s. you can deploy a CT in seconds.

just to note, KVM templates, cloning etc. is since quite a long time in development.

Yes, openvz templates can be deployed in seconds, much faster than deploying a kvm template will be. Well maybe super fast SSD can deploy kvm templates in seconds too.

Looking forward to seeing the new kvm cloning feature, seen all the chatter on pve-devel and like what is planned.
I specifically dislike crapstack for one reason, it tries to be everything to everyone.

Proxmox has picked just openvz and kvm, then focused on building awesome features that work great.

Proxmox subscribes to the KISS( Keep It Simple Stupid ) principle, crapstack subscribes to the KICK ( Keep It Complex Kiddies ) principle.
You have my email from the board as well - reach out.
BTW - OVH is not in the US.

While they market to the US - they also proudly state they are in Canada due to the US and the way the US controls data under the Patriot Act.

They see America as NORTH America - but label it as US - which it is not.

US companies I know of 2 that could offer what you are asking. Enterprise VPS Solutions is located in USA as well as Hivelocity

Pricing is different and if something custom is needed always summit a sales ticket you never know what they will do for you until you ask.