Proxmox VE - Web UI Interface


New Member
Dec 21, 2022
Hi Team,

I am new to Proxmox VE and need help on this:

1. How to shutdown / startup Proxmox VE - web services on the Proxmox Host?

2. Can we increase the heap or memory size of the webserver running on the Proxmox Host?

3. Can we change the default Port from 8006 to different Port? In which conf file port is different?
1. How to shutdown / startup Proxmox VE - web services on the Proxmox Host?
I dont believe you can. Its deeply integrated into the core of PVE. If you want to restrict it, I recommend perusing "man pveproxy"
2. Can we increase the heap or memory size of the webserver running on the Proxmox Host?
3. Can we change the default Port from 8006 to different Port? In which conf file port is different?
You cant.

What are you trying to achieve?

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