[SOLVED] Proxmox VE Screen out of range

Hello all,

i would like to install Proxmox on my HP proliant G6 but anyway which image i use (8.0, 7.4) my screen show the Message (Out of range).

I look into this Forum but i only found: Use 7.1... I cant find 7.1 at the download site...

Can someone help me to fix the problem?

Have you tried the TUI - nomodeset option under the Advanced? It is available since Proxmox VE 8
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I just tried to reinstall Proxmox VE on an old Supermicro server and ran into this problem. I had previously installed Proxmox VE on this server earlier this year. So, I knew it was possible. I vaguely remembered having some difficulties with the installation screen then, but I had obviously gotten past it somehow. I wasn't sure if I had used a late version of 7 or an early version of 8 originally, but I make it a point to always use the latest. So, I was using 8.1-1 this time, and nothing I tried worked for this new version. I used everything in this post, several various monitors and even a serial console, still no joy.
I finally changed my installation media back to 8.0-2 and the advanced nomodeset console option there worked perfectly.
I'm guessing it is still possible to use the 8.1-1 media on this server, but I sure couldn't guess the correct nomodeset or nofb nomodeset combination to make it work for me.
Yes, I'm sure the 8.1-1 media I was using worked, because I had just used it to install Proxmox on a Dell server with no problems at all.
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Have you tried the TUI - nomodeset option under the Advanced? It is available since Proxmox VE 8
Even this on my ancient monitor is causing problems, likely because it's picking a 1280x900 or something mode. "Mode out of range".

Thrashing about trying to figure an X-based solution here (or go to 7.x install and upgrade apparently?)

EDIT: Solution - had a 6.2 usb key and little patience to download 7.x, installed just fine in gui mode, then upgrade to 8.x.
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Hi there,
@aaron ..... i downloaded the last ISO verson on the website... THERE IS NO "NOMODESET" Option under Advanced.

best regards

UPDATE : PROXMOX ISO Installer 6.4 works... 8.1 NOT WORKING also not with "nomodeset" ... spent now 2 days on it ...
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Hi there,
@aaron ..... i downloaded the last ISO verson on the website... THERE IS NO "NOMODESET" Option under Advanced.

best regards

UPDATE : PROXMOX ISO Installer 6.4 works... 8.1 NOT WORKING also not with "nomodeset" ... spent now 2 days on it ...

Install 7.x and upgrade. However I think 7.x removed the HOLD-ALT-TO-HIGHLIGHT-KEY-TO-CHOOSE-BUTTON for keyboard only -- my servers dont have a lot of USB (which are user periferals..) - 2 USB slots: 1 for USB key and one for keyboard. Should be able to install with only keyboard! These are servers, not user machines with graphics cards and GUIs.
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This is still an issue, the 8.1 installed should be considered severely broken and cannot be used on hardware with VGA-ports.
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Same problem, here. Solved by doing the same thing as others. Installing 7.4 and the upgrading