Proxmox VE 6 with CloudLinux KernelCare

Rebootless updates to a running kernel without service interruptions does not work for PVE-6.

Only security patches installed without a reboot.

For example:

KernelCare will not update your kernel to pve-kernel-5.0.21-3-pve_5.0.21-7. If you want to get pve-kernel-5.0.21-3-pve_5.0.21-7 instead of pve-5.0.21-2-pve_5.0.21-6 then you need update kernel and reboot.

At the moment you need a restart about once a month if you use KernelCare service. And new pve-6-kernel updates are unsupported for weeks.

But you can test it by yourself it is very cheap and installation is very easy. To check current kernel compatibility with KernelCare, use the following script by running:

curl -s -L | python
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