Proxmox VE 5.0 released!

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Proxmox Staff Member
Staff member
Apr 28, 2005
We are very happy to announce the final release of our Proxmox VE 5.0 - based on the great Debian 9 codename "Stretch" and a Linux Kernel 4.10.

New Proxmox VE Storage Replication Stack
Replicas provide asynchronous data replication between two or multiple nodes in a cluster, thus minimizing data loss in case of failure. For all organizations using local storage the Proxmox replication feature is a great option to increase data redundancy for high I/Os avoiding the need of complex shared or distributed storage configurations.

With Proxmox VE 5.0 Ceph RBD becomes the de-facto standard for distributed storage. Packaging is now done by the Proxmox team. The Ceph Luminous is not yet production ready but already available for testing. If you use Ceph, follow the recommendations below.

We also have a simplified procedure for disk import from different hypervisors. You can now easily import disks from VMware, Hyper-V, or other hypervisors via a new command line tool called ‘qm importdisk’.

Other new features are the live migration with local storage via QEMU, added USB und Host PCI address visibility in the GUI, bulk actions and filtering options in the GUI and an optimized NoVNC console.

And as always we have included countless bugfixes and improvements on a lot of places.

Watch our short introduction video - What's new in Proxmox VE 5.0?

Release notes

Alternate ISO download:

Source Code


Q: Can I upgrade a 5.x beta installation to the stable 5.0 release via apt?
A: Yes, upgrading from beta to stable can be done via apt.

Q: Can I install Proxmox VE 5.0 on top of Debian Stretch?
A: Yes, see

Q: Can I dist-upgrade Proxmox VE 4.4 to 5.0 with apt dist-upgrade?
A: Yes, see

Q: I am running Ceph Server on V4.4 in a production setup - should I upgrade now?
A: Not yet. Ceph packages in Proxmox VE 5.0 are based on the latest Ceph Luminous release (release candidate status). Therefore not yet recommended for production. But you should start testing in a testlab environment, here is one important wiki article -

Many thank you's to our active community for all feedback, testing, bug reporting and patch submissions!

Best regards,

Martin Maurer
Proxmox VE project leader
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