Hi Aaron
This is a long story.
My customer has been using HP PC for many years with this application. The application is talking to PLC's via DANBUSS - protocol( made by Danish Danfoss company some 25-30 years ago ) through a RS232 to RS485 converter from Advantech (ADAM4520).
Then the HP PC went EOL, and the customer then used a 'box' PC from Sintrones with an external box, called RS2LAN, which communicated with PLCs on RS485 and the 'box' PC via ethernet/OPC.
In this setup, the box-pc runs Windows 7 Embeded Standard + VM-Ware Player V7 with the Windows2000 as a VM, talking to RS2LAN via 'ethernet'.
Now this RS2LAN is EOL, and nothing is a direct replacement, so we are back to the DANBUSS/RS232<-ADAM4520->RS485/PLCs.
The application is running on Windows2000, and when using DANBUSS via RS232, the COM-port driver is replaced with a DANBUSS WDM-driver + a DLL.
This has been tried out on Windows7/VM-Ware Player/Windows2000 using COM1, but VM-Ware Player does not handle the DANBUSS-WDM-driver - RTS - signaling, so data-direction on RS485 on ADAM4520 is not controlled. The application requests some data, then listens for some time to receive it.
We have an idea, that the box-pc's uart is not 100% 16550 compatible, as I have managed to start the application on a variant of the box-pc, where I could setup BIOS to simulate disk-interface as P-ATA, as I didn't succeed to install Windows2000 on S-ATA, as there are few AHCI for S-ATA available for Windows2000, and they don't work with the chipset in the box-pc. Running the Windows2000 in the box-pc with P-ATA showed very different RTS signaling, than on the HP PC, and the communication runs not good enough to be a success.
This is where a second miniPCIe for the box-pc comes in.
We want to try a 100% 16550 compatible uart, but I think it will fail.
The second reason for using Proxmox is the shield the Windows2000 + APP from the host-pc h/w for the future, but I am a novice regarding 'pass-through'. Never tried it before, but when somebody told about it, it sound like it could be the fix.
Best regards