Proxmox UI used to warn if thin disk space was over commissioned but can't find the setting anymore


Active Member
Dec 13, 2020
Good day,

At some stage whilst using Proxmox, it used to warn me. It would say something like "You're using thin provisioning but the total disk space you've allocated is more than you actually have.".

At some stage, probably through naivety or being rushed, I clicked something like "Do not warn me again".

Any clues how I can re-enable this over provisioning warning?
hi there! Just wondering if anyone knows how to get the Proxmox UI to warn you when you're over provisioning disk space?
Finally after two months I'm closer to what I'm looking for. This is what I want to enable:

2023-05-16 21:08:46   WARNING: You have not turned on protection against thin pools running out of space.
2023-05-16 21:08:46   WARNING: Set activation/thin_pool_autoextend_threshold below 100 to trigger automatic extension of thin pools before they get full.
2023-05-16 21:08:46   Logical volume "vm-119-disk-0" created.
2023-05-16 21:08:46   WARNING: Sum of all thin volume sizes (1.70 TiB) exceeds the size of thin pool pve/data and the amount of free space in volume group (16.37 GiB).

Please could someone tell me where this setting is?
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