if you check/edit the storage configuration (datacenter->storage->Datos1) there you can select the nodes on which the storage should be available (in the top right corner of the edit window there is a 'node selector')
Hello, thanks for the answer. What you say me is what proxmox does for share storage between nodes, and it is not the problem I have right now. The images shows the storages that proxmox recognizes, but the Data2 partition that is mounted in pve2 does not appear and is a physical disk with a directory type storage.
Before doing the cluster I had the following:
* storage in pve1:
STORAGE-------------TYPE---------------DISK-----------------------MOUNT POINT
local-----------------directory--------/dev/sda--------------------proxmox default
local-lvm----------LVM-Thin--------/deb/sda---------------------proxmox default
Data1-------------- directory --------/dev/sdb---------------------/mnt/pve/Datos1
NFS-Share -----------NFS------------Remote NFS Server
* storage in pve2:
STORAGE-------------TYPE---------------DISK-----------------------MOUNT POINT
local-----------------directory--------/dev/sda--------------------proxmox default
local-lvm----------LVM-Thin--------/deb/sda---------------------proxmox default
Data2-------------- directory --------/dev/sdb---------------------/mnt/pve/Datos2
NFS-Share -----------NFS------------Remote NFS Server
After doing the cluster proxmox recognizes all partitions except Data2, as shown in the images.