Proxmox startet nicht mehr: machine-id ist missing...


New Member
Dec 23, 2024
Hallo zusammen,

kann mir jemand weiterhelfen. Mein Proxmox will seid heute nicht mehr starten da Stormausfall war. Lief jetzt seit gut einem Jahr ohne Probleme. Habe zwei VM am Laufen. Meine Vermutung dass irgendein Backup einer VM schief ging. Kann das sein?
Hier auf dem Bild sieh man die Ausgabe:


Vielen Dank für eure Hilfe!
That could have different causes, disk or filesystem error or just "/" full. Would boot a live-linux from usb and then check inside logs, df, smarct etc.
machine-id is generated by default installation so it's unusual that is could be missed.
there is only one log file there pvam.log. is there any chance at all of repairing the boat?

2024-12-18 04:31:02 starting update
2024-12-18 04:31:02 start download
2024-12-18 04:31:02 download failed: 500 Can't connect to (Temporary failure in name resolution)
2024-12-18 04:31:02 update failed - no signature file '/var/lib/pve-manager/apl-info/'
2024-12-18 04:31:02 start download
2024-12-18 04:31:02 download failed: 500 SSL_ca_file /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt can't be used: No such file or directory
2024-12-18 04:31:02 update failed - no signature file '/var/lib/pve-manager/apl-info/'
2024-12-19 04:47:02 starting update
2024-12-19 04:47:02 start download
2024-12-19 04:47:02 download failed: 500 Can't connect to (Temporary failure in name resolution)
2024-12-19 04:47:02 update failed - no signature file '/var/lib/pve-manager/apl-info/'
2024-12-19 04:47:02 start download
2024-12-19 04:47:02 download failed: 500 SSL_ca_file /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt can't be used: No such file or directory
2024-12-19 04:47:02 update failed - no signature file '/var/lib/pve-manager/apl-info/'
2024-12-20 05:30:33 starting update
2024-12-20 05:30:33 start download
2024-12-20 05:30:33 download failed: 500 Can't connect to (Temporary failure in name resolution)
2024-12-20 05:30:33 update failed - no signature file '/var/lib/pve-manager/apl-info/'
2024-12-20 05:30:33 start download
2024-12-20 05:30:33 download failed: 500 SSL_ca_file /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt can't be used: No such file or directory
2024-12-20 05:30:33 update failed - no signature file '/var/lib/pve-manager/apl-info/'
2024-12-21 02:55:33 starting update
2024-12-21 02:55:33 start download
2024-12-21 02:55:33 download failed: 500 Can't connect to (Temporary failure in name resolution)
2024-12-21 02:55:33 update failed - no signature file '/var/lib/pve-manager/apl-info/'
2024-12-21 02:55:33 start download
2024-12-21 02:55:33 download failed: 500 SSL_ca_file /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt can't be used: No such file or directory
2024-12-21 02:55:33 update failed - no signature file '/var/lib/pve-manager/apl-info/'
2024-12-22 05:11:02 starting update
2024-12-22 05:11:02 start download
2024-12-22 05:11:02 download failed: 500 Can't connect to (Temporary failure in name resolution)
2024-12-22 05:11:02 update failed - no signature file '/var/lib/pve-manager/apl-info/'
2024-12-22 05:11:02 start download
2024-12-22 05:11:02 download failed: 500 SSL_ca_file /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt can't be used: No such file or directory
2024-12-22 05:11:02 update failed - no signature file '/var/lib/pve-manager/apl-info/'
2024-12-23 05:42:33 starting update
2024-12-23 05:42:33 start download
2024-12-23 05:42:33 download failed: 500 Can't connect to (Temporary failure in name resolution)
2024-12-23 05:42:33 update failed - no signature file '/var/lib/pve-manager/apl-info/'
2024-12-23 05:42:33 start download
2024-12-23 05:42:33 download failed: 500 SSL_ca_file /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt can't be used: No such file or directory
2024-12-23 05:42:33 update failed - no signature file '/var/lib/pve-manager/apl-info/'
2024-12-18 04:31:02 download failed: 500 Can't connect to (Temporary failure in name resolution)
Is this in a rescue system or in the actual PVE - which was not capable to boot in the first post?

In any case your name resolution does not work - possibly because network connectivity in itself is not setup correctly.

If it is inside a "half-running" PVE: please start by giving us some information, like the copy-n-pasted output of some commands, run on a PVE host (either via SSH or via "Datacenter --> <one Node> --> Shell", both ways allow copy-n-paste):

PVE System information:
  • pveversion -v
  • journalctl -b 0 -p err -n 25 # the latest 25 lines of errors of this current boot
  • journalctl -b -1 -p err -n 25 # the latest 25 lines of errors of the previous boot

Basic network information:
  • ip address show # currently active IP addresses on one NODE
  • ip route show # currently active routing table on one NODE
  • cat /etc/network/interfaces # configuration of the network and/or ifquery -a for comparison from one NODE
  • cat /etc/resolv.conf # DNS resolver settings
  • ping -c 1 -W 1 # a simple "ping" to verify outgoing routing
  • host # a simple DNS lookup to verify reachable DNS servers

Those are examples. You may add/edit commands and options if you can enrich the information given. Oh, and please put each command in a separate [CODE]...[/CODE]-block for better readability.
Thanks for your answer. It is in the actual PVE and can not do anything. As well es typing or continue. I can not understand why the PVE not boot. it is the „User login Management“ what not function
It is in the actual PVE and can not do anything.
Okay. Hoppla, wir sind ja im deutschen Forum...

Leider kann ich zu LVM nicht viel sagen, ich verwende das schlicht nicht.
Tausche deine pve os disk gegen andere oder usb-stick und installiere darauf neu, um zu sehen, ob dein Rechner dann damit läuft.
Dein Problem liegt dann entweder an deiner Platte+pve oder am Rest deiner Hardware.
Es scheint das /etc read only gemountet wird wegen Fehler beim Filesystemcheck. Einfach mal eine bootdisk nehmen davon booten und die root Partition von Debian/Proxmox mit fsck prüfen.
Wie es momentan aussieht gibt es dafür keinen Lösungsansatz. Also über ein Live-Linux kann ich alles sehen. Die beiden LXC Container und die PVE selbst. Ich werde das Proxmox neu installieren. Allerdings habe ich nur Backups von den LXCs. Gibt es die Möglichkeit die Backups auszulesen? Oder kann man die alten Dateien irgendwie auf die neuen LXCs kopieren?
Installiere auf neue Platte und dann häng die alte halb-defekte Platte einfach online mit dran. Danach kannst du alles kopieren was du brauchst, vm/lxc und die Konfigs in /etc/pve/...
Wenn die alte Platte mit dem alten lxc nicht läuft, läuft auch die mysql db nicht und der lxc kann einfach incl. der db kopiert werden.
So das neue Proxmox läuft. Die alte Festplatte hängt dran und wird als LVM erkannt. Wie kann man jetzt die alte Platte einhängen oder bekommt Zugriff?