PROXMOX server repository error


New Member
Aug 28, 2024
Hello! I'm still learning how to use Proxmox, and I need help from people who have more experience with this tool.

As a routine, every day I check the servers to verify the backup tasks when I came across an error "update package database", the status said "command 'apt-get update' failed: exit code 100".

Vi alguns fóruns sobre o repositório ter corrompido, porém não tive sucesso em nenhuma tentativa de substituir o repositório. Em alguns momentos preciso reiniciar o serviço de interface web pois o mesmo trava quando entro na página de repositório.

Captura de tela 2024-08-28 135857.pngCaptura de tela 2024-08-28 135910.png

Does the output of the Proxmox VE? If yes you don't have to use Ubuntu repository, instead you have to use the Proxmox VE respository. to fix that you can go to Web UI `Datacenter -> saocamilo -> Updates -> Repositories` disable and remove all Ubuntu repository and add only the repo related to Proxmox VE, and Debian see the following link [0]. (If you don't have subscription you may have to enable no-subscription repo).

Thanks for the help.
apparently my repository file had a series of "###" and at the end of the file it was pointing to the default Ubuntu repositories