proxmox Reboot while VM also reboots?


Renowned Member
Aug 13, 2017
Hi, I was wondering if its possible when proxmox reboots, the VM would go to standby and would turn backup when proxmox goes online? something like hyper V as when the host machine shutdown the VM would go to standby? Because right now when proxmox reboots it turns off all the VM and when it goes online takes a while for all the VM to turn back on

Thank you
As far as I know, this is not a feature supported by Proxmox.
I would also like to note that if you manually suspend your VMs before shutting down, it will not resume normally.
The only work-around I can think of is to create a script to snapshot, shutdown, reboot, restore.
As far as I know, this is not a feature supported by Proxmox.
I would also like to note that if you manually suspend your VMs before shutting down, it will not resume normally.
The only work-around I can think of is to create a script to snapshot, shutdown, reboot, restore.

...because without RAM saved with suspend there is no RAM to recovery. And that RAM require time and storage capacity.
Thanks for the reply, i was looking around and found this article but /etc/sysconfig/libvirt-guests does not exist on proxmox any other ideas?

Or maybe i was thinking a script that would get trigered when reboot or shutdown the Proxmox host
something along the lines of

qm suspend 101
then when it start ups again would run
qm resume 101

or a script which would have a delay 5 seconds to termkill the host then suspend the vm, then when it reboots it would resume?
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Thanks for the reply, so the question is i would need a snapshot? but howcome Hyper V and VMware one could configure this way?

Thank you
Because they are a different products with that feature.
Proxmox does not have every feature every other hypervisor has and other hypervisors do not have every feature Proxmox has.
Thanks for the reply, as currently im trying to figure out to put a service on Debian to do what i need ill post back if i accomplish it