In once of day node stop working. I get poweroff, now Proxmox after start write me - ProxMox pve not found, i can't understand why - I try give name for name for VG UUID, but he write me node is already exist!
If i waiting - after 5-6mins proxmox write start at 192.****:8006 but in LAN it is doesnt work...
If i try to boot from Windows - i see my 26,4Tb -but what i can do for starting work
Can you help me?
In once of day node stop working. I get poweroff, now Proxmox after start write me - ProxMox pve not found, i can't understand why - I try give name for name for VG UUID, but he write me node is already exist!
If i waiting - after 5-6mins proxmox write start at 192.****:8006 but in LAN it is doesnt work...
If i try to boot from Windows - i see my 26,4Tb -but what i can do for starting work
Can you help me?