What I don't like about support chats is that the same stuff is asked over and over again. Thats already annoying enough here with lazy people not googling before creating a new thread. In an ideal world people would first google or use the forums search function to find a solution that already got answer 1000 times and they don't have to ask for help in the first place. Thats an even faster way to fix a problem than asking for help in real time in a chat. And if you won't find a solution for your problem there are people with more knowlage who can point you to a thread with a solution they remember.
If it is a new problem it will take some time to fix it but then you at least help the next person who is googling for the same problem.
Search engines won't find stuff discussed in a chat, so knowlage discussed there is lost and will be asked again and again.
Thats also the reason why I tell all the people sending me PNs, to fix their stuff, to create a public thread instead, so it might future readers too.
So I'm personally not a big fan of support chats and I wouldn't contribute there.
But of cause no problem if other people see that differently and use it. I don't have to use it.