ProxMox migration cluster to cluster / cluster to standalone


Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2019
ProxMox users, et alia:

I was reading a bit about "qm remote-migrate" and had a few questions about its ostensible application. I am quite aware that it is an experimental feature as well.

1) All VMs are stored on an NFS share coming from a TrueNAS server
2) There are 3 nodes in the cluster and all are running fine
3) Migration does not need to be done live (these are home computer lab VMs that are non-critical)
4) A standalone node has the same NFS share coming from the TrueNAS server
5) The standalone node has the same networking configuration (a bonded vmbr0) as members of the cluster have.

Goal: Migrate the VMs over the standalone server

Q1) If the 3 node cluster has the VMs defined as "HA", their HA definitions would need to be removed first, correct?

Q2) Succeeding the removal of the HA definitions, how difficult would it be to migrate the nodes over to the standalone ProxMox server?

Q3) If I had two clusters, I presume that the migration of nodes could also be accomplished betwixt the two clusters? Although, I presume it might be easier to have the 3 new nodes join the original cluster and then remove the old nodes from the cluster once VMs were running on the new nodes.

Thanks in advance for any comments.
