I happened to look at my influx logs and noticed the following error occurring:
ts=2022-11-03T15:52:15.241668Z lvl=info msg="Failed to write point batch to database" log_id=0dwTt70G000 service=udp db_instance=udp error="partial write: field type conflict: input field \"uptime\" on measurement \"system\" is type float, already exists as type integer dropped=1"
Please can you check if the metricserver is sending uptime as an integer as I believe it should be ?
Background. Saw the error, tried dropping the measurement in influx. Error still occurred. Stopped metric server on proxmox and error stopped occurring.
I also capture uptime from a number of other places via Telegraf (https://github.com/influxdata/telegraf/blob/master/plugins/inputs/system/README.md) , so that probably created the metric as an integer in the first place ?
I'd appreciate it if you can check. This would be a breaking change (for anyone who didn't use telegraf) as the metricserver would have created it as an float for them (if that is what the code does ?).
I happened to look at my influx logs and noticed the following error occurring:
ts=2022-11-03T15:52:15.241668Z lvl=info msg="Failed to write point batch to database" log_id=0dwTt70G000 service=udp db_instance=udp error="partial write: field type conflict: input field \"uptime\" on measurement \"system\" is type float, already exists as type integer dropped=1"
Please can you check if the metricserver is sending uptime as an integer as I believe it should be ?
Background. Saw the error, tried dropping the measurement in influx. Error still occurred. Stopped metric server on proxmox and error stopped occurring.
I also capture uptime from a number of other places via Telegraf (https://github.com/influxdata/telegraf/blob/master/plugins/inputs/system/README.md) , so that probably created the metric as an integer in the first place ?
I'd appreciate it if you can check. This would be a breaking change (for anyone who didn't use telegraf) as the metricserver would have created it as an float for them (if that is what the code does ?).