Restored thread due to banning by mistake
Rev1 new: Protection against UDP port scanning
ToDo: find an alternative to netifrc (not yet available for the apline linux stable branch) for loading the configuration file and and mount the wg0 network interface when booting the virtual machine.
Feel free to help:
I started using virtualization a short time ago, my objective was to replace several servers that were using development boards, that are now rare in France.
Proxmox VE was my choice as virtualization environment on a small mini-pc used as a personal server (Minis Forum UM250 AMD Ryzen V1605B 16Go - low power consumption).
Proxmox is easy to use for virtualization via LXC containers, the Wireguard VPN is powerful, now reliable and safe from a security point of view, Alpine Linux is powerful and light linux distribution.
I did not find any simple tutorial for the implementation of this project. I like to share and promote opensource software, so I offer you this explanation in the form of a small howto.
Computer science is not my job, so there may be some mistakes.
I/ Configure your Network Router/Firewall
<port forwarding>
51230 UDP 51230 wireguard server private IP and port
<Firewall policies>
51230 UDP accept
II/ Install Alpine Linux as LXC container (Proxmox VE 7.1-7)
Firewall must be enabled at the data center, the "ICMP_Port_Unreach_Error" server response to UDP port scanning is filtered by the default firewall configuration (Type3:Code3): Datacenter > Firewall > Options > Firewall > Edit > Yes > Ok
This will prevent the attacker from receiving packets indicating that a port is closed, thus skewing the results of his scan which will show all ports as either open or filtered.
Add CT Template to your local Proxmox VE Datacenter Node
local (YourNode) > CT Template > Templates > Download (search: alp )
Add a LXC to your Proxmox VE Datacenter Node
Create LXC Container Advanced (checked)
Node: YourNode
CT ID: 100 (in this tutorial)
Hostname: wireguard
Password: myverystrongpassword!
SSH public key: (optional)
Unprivileged container: checked
Nesting: checked
Storage: local
Template: alpine-3.15-default_20211202_amd64.tar.gz
Storage: local-lvm
Disk size (GiB): 8
Mount options: noatime
ACLs: Default
Cores: 1
CPU units: 1024
Memory (GiB): 512
Swap (GiB): 512
<Network> configuarion for home server on local network IPv4 only
Name: eth0
Bridge: vmbr0
Firewall: unchecked
IPv4 static
Gateway (IPv4):
use host settings
Settings on the Proxmox Host (1)
On the Proxmox Host there are some settings to be made for using the tun Device.
Then adjust the access rights to the tun Device:
III/ installation of the required packages and set localtime
Open a terminal on your Alpine VM
wireguard login: root
Password: myverystrongpassword!
Alpine Linux package updates and install all required packages (2)
Now that all the tools are installed, you can setup the interface wg0.
We choose the port 51230 and the private ip for wireguard server.
Allow forward :
Edit iptable config and enable forwarding: change IPFORWARD= "no" to "yes"
Restart iptable:
Then we add wireguard in module then we restart the network :
From here we have a wg0 interface which is visible (status down but it is normal), we go on with the configuration.
III/ Wireguard Server configuration
Bringing up an interface using ifupdown-ng (3) (4) (5)
We'll use the plain wg command and ifupdown-ng.
The given configuration file will be loaded using *wg setconf* and not with *wg-quick*. *No Address line in the [Interface] section. Otherwise, the interface will not come up*
We now generate a private key (privatekey) and a public key (publickey) that our server will use:
The server's private key should never be shared. The public key is what we will give to the clients so they can connect to our server.
Then we prepare the configuration file /etc/wireguard/myconfig.conf linked to the wg0 interface:
Sets the current configuration of interface wg0 to the contents of the configuration file:
Verify that WireGuard is up and running using the ss command/netstat command/lsmod command along with the grep command:
Check or find your public IP address from command line on a Linux:
Check forwarding:
Scan the server wireguard port UDP 51230, disable the firewall at Datacenter level if you want to do this test, otherwise all ports appear as open!
from a linux terminal
IV/ Add client to the server (4)
Create a client configuration file with Pre-Shared Key (PSK)
The PSK is optional, but adds significant security. Both the client and the server need a copy of this final PSK element.
IP address is incremented above our Wireguard server's IP ( in this tutorial) and used /32 which only allocates a single address
10.123.02 for peer1
Endpoint is the server Public IP address (exposed to the internet) or a domain name pointing to your server and wireguard service port
Wildcard automatically encrypts any packet and sends it through the VPN tunnel.
and so on...
Add client to the server config
and so on...
load the configuration of the wg0 interface:
V/ Configure your clients
All that remains is to import the configuration file on the client.
install wireguard client ( ),
If your client is under Windows, export client config with Notepad++ (copy/paste) and use: Edit > EOL conversion > Unix(LF) before saving the configuration file.
If ever an import option by qrcode is possible (Android or iOS client), the solution is simple:
Speedtest through vpn tunnel:
ctrl-c to exit
iperf3 -c remotehost -i 1 -t 30 #Run a 30 second tests, giving results every 1 second
iperf3 -c remotehost -i 1 -t 30 -R #Run a test from remotehost to localhost
Server Minis Forum UM250 : Max CPU usage 0.003 Max Memory usage 6.68 MiB Wireguard Proxmox VE LXC Alpine Linux 3.15
Bibliography: (1) (3) (4) (4) (5) (6)
Rev1 new: Protection against UDP port scanning
ToDo: find an alternative to netifrc (not yet available for the apline linux stable branch) for loading the configuration file and and mount the wg0 network interface when booting the virtual machine.
Feel free to help:
I started using virtualization a short time ago, my objective was to replace several servers that were using development boards, that are now rare in France.
Proxmox VE was my choice as virtualization environment on a small mini-pc used as a personal server (Minis Forum UM250 AMD Ryzen V1605B 16Go - low power consumption).
Proxmox is easy to use for virtualization via LXC containers, the Wireguard VPN is powerful, now reliable and safe from a security point of view, Alpine Linux is powerful and light linux distribution.
I did not find any simple tutorial for the implementation of this project. I like to share and promote opensource software, so I offer you this explanation in the form of a small howto.
Computer science is not my job, so there may be some mistakes.
I/ Configure your Network Router/Firewall
<port forwarding>
51230 UDP 51230 wireguard server private IP and port
<Firewall policies>
51230 UDP accept
II/ Install Alpine Linux as LXC container (Proxmox VE 7.1-7)
Firewall must be enabled at the data center, the "ICMP_Port_Unreach_Error" server response to UDP port scanning is filtered by the default firewall configuration (Type3:Code3): Datacenter > Firewall > Options > Firewall > Edit > Yes > Ok
This will prevent the attacker from receiving packets indicating that a port is closed, thus skewing the results of his scan which will show all ports as either open or filtered.
Add CT Template to your local Proxmox VE Datacenter Node
local (YourNode) > CT Template > Templates > Download (search: alp )
Add a LXC to your Proxmox VE Datacenter Node
Create LXC Container Advanced (checked)
Node: YourNode
CT ID: 100 (in this tutorial)
Hostname: wireguard
Password: myverystrongpassword!
SSH public key: (optional)
Unprivileged container: checked
Nesting: checked
Storage: local
Template: alpine-3.15-default_20211202_amd64.tar.gz
Storage: local-lvm
Disk size (GiB): 8
Mount options: noatime
ACLs: Default
Cores: 1
CPU units: 1024
Memory (GiB): 512
Swap (GiB): 512
<Network> configuarion for home server on local network IPv4 only
Name: eth0
Bridge: vmbr0
Firewall: unchecked
IPv4 static
Gateway (IPv4):
use host settings
Settings on the Proxmox Host (1)
On the Proxmox Host there are some settings to be made for using the tun Device.
YourNode login: youradmin
youradmin@YourNode:~# cd /etc/pve/lxc
youradmin@YourNode:/etc/pve/lxc# vi 100.conf
lxc.cgroup.devices.allow: c 10:200 rwm
lxc.mount.entry: /dev/net dev/net none bind,create=dir
Then adjust the access rights to the tun Device:
youradmin@YourNode:/etc/pve/lxc# chown 100000:100000 /dev/net/tun
III/ installation of the required packages and set localtime
Open a terminal on your Alpine VM
wireguard login: root
Password: myverystrongpassword!
Alpine Linux package updates and install all required packages (2)
wireguard:~# apk update
wireguard:~# apk upgrade
wireguard:~# apk add tzdata
wireguard:/usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe# cp Paris /etc/localtime
wireguard:/usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe# date
wireguard:~# apk add -U wireguard-tools
wireguard:~# apk add wireguard-tools-wg
wireguard:~# apk add bash
wireguard:~# apk add curl
wireguard:~# apk -U add libqrencode
wireguard:~# apk add iptables && rc-update add iptables
Now that all the tools are installed, you can setup the interface wg0.
We choose the port 51230 and the private ip for wireguard server.
wireguard:~# vi /etc/network/interfaces
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback
iface lo inet6 loopback
auto eth0
iface eth0 inet static
hostname $(hostname)
auto wg0
iface wg0 inet static
requires eth0
use wireguard
post-up iptables -A FORWARD -i wg0 -j ACCEPT; iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE;iptables -A FORWARD -o wg0 -j ACCEPT
post-down iptables -D FORWARD -i wg0 -j ACCEPT; iptables -t nat -D POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE;iptables -D FORWARD -o wg0 -j ACCEPT
Allow forward :
wireguard:~# cd /etc
wireguard:/etc# echo "net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1" >> /etc/sysctl.conf
wireguard:/etc# echo "net.ipv6.conf.all.forwarding = 1" >> /etc/sysctl.conf
wireguard:/etc# echo "net.ipv4.conf.all.proxy_arp = 1" >> /etc/sysctl.conf
wireguard:/etc/conf.d# rc-update add sysctl
Edit iptable config and enable forwarding: change IPFORWARD= "no" to "yes"
wireguard:/etc/conf.d# vi iptables
# Enable/disable IPv4 forwarding with the rules
Restart iptable:
wireguard:/etc/conf.d# /etc/init.d/iptables save
wireguard:/etc/conf.d# rc-service iptables restart
wireguard:/etc/conf.d# /etc/init.d/ip6tables save
wireguard:/etc/conf.d# rc-service ip6tables restart
Then we add wireguard in module then we restart the network :
wireguard:~# echo wireguard >> /etc/modules
wireguard:~# /etc/init.d/networking restart
From here we have a wg0 interface which is visible (status down but it is normal), we go on with the configuration.
III/ Wireguard Server configuration
Bringing up an interface using ifupdown-ng (3) (4) (5)
We'll use the plain wg command and ifupdown-ng.
The given configuration file will be loaded using *wg setconf* and not with *wg-quick*. *No Address line in the [Interface] section. Otherwise, the interface will not come up*
We now generate a private key (privatekey) and a public key (publickey) that our server will use:
wireguard:~# cd /etc/wireguard
wireguard:~# umask 077
wireguard:~# ls
wireguard:~# wg genkey | tee privatekey | wg pubkey > publickey
wireguard:/etc/wireguard# cat publickey
wireguard:/etc/wireguard# cat privatekey
The server's private key should never be shared. The public key is what we will give to the clients so they can connect to our server.
Then we prepare the configuration file /etc/wireguard/myconfig.conf linked to the wg0 interface:
wireguard:~# vi myconfig.conf
wireguard:/etc/wireguard# echo "[interface]" >> /etc/wireguard/myconfig.conf
wireguard:/etc/wireguard# echo "ListenPort = 51230" >> /etc/wireguard/myconfig.conf
wireguard:/etc/wireguard# echo "PrivateKey = $(cat privatekey)" >> /etc/wireguard/myconfig.conf
wireguard:/etc/wireguard# vi myconfig.conf
ListenPort = 51230
PrivateKey = serverprivatekeyserverprivatekeyserverprivat
Sets the current configuration of interface wg0 to the contents of the configuration file:
wireguard:/etc/wireguard# ifdown wg0
wireguard:/etc/wireguard# /etc/init.d/networking restart
wireguard:/etc/wireguard# wg setconf wg0 myconfig.conf
wireguard:/etc/wireguard# ifup wg0
wireguard:/etc/wireguard# wg interface: wg0
public key: serverpublickeyserverpublickeyserverpublicke
private key: (hidden)
listening port: 51230
Verify that WireGuard is up and running using the ss command/netstat command/lsmod command along with the grep command:
wireguard:~# netstat -tulpn | grep 51230
udp 0 0* -
udp 0 0 :::51230 :::* -
Check or find your public IP address from command line on a Linux:
wireguard:~# curl
Check forwarding:
wireguard:~# sysctl net.ipv4.ip_forward
net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1
Scan the server wireguard port UDP 51230, disable the firewall at Datacenter level if you want to do this test, otherwise all ports appear as open!
from a linux terminal
~ sudo nmap -sU -p 51230
~ sudo nmap -sU -p 51230
IV/ Add client to the server (4)
Create a client configuration file with Pre-Shared Key (PSK)
The PSK is optional, but adds significant security. Both the client and the server need a copy of this final PSK element.
wireguard:~# cd /etc/wireguard
wireguard:/etc/wireguard# umask 077
wireguard:/etc/wireguard# mkdir client
wireguard:/etc/wireguard# cd client
wireguard:/etc/wireguard/client# mkdir peer1-computer1
wireguard:/etc/wireguard/client# cd peer1-computer1
wireguard:/etc/wireguard/client/peer1-computer1# wg genkey | tee privatekey | wg pubkey > publickey
wireguard:/etc/wireguard/client/peer1-computer1# wg genpsk > peer1psk
wireguard:/etc/wireguard/client/peer1-computer1# cat privatekey
wireguard:/etc/wireguard/client/peer1-computer1# cat publickey
wireguard:/etc/wireguard/client/peer1-computer1# cat peer1psk
IP address is incremented above our Wireguard server's IP ( in this tutorial) and used /32 which only allocates a single address
10.123.02 for peer1
Endpoint is the server Public IP address (exposed to the internet) or a domain name pointing to your server and wireguard service port
Wildcard automatically encrypts any packet and sends it through the VPN tunnel.
wireguard:/etc/wireguard/client/peer1-computer1# echo "[interface]" >> peer1-computer1.conf
wireguard:/etc/wireguard/client/peer1-computer1# echo "Address =" >> peer1-computer1.conf
wireguard:/etc/wireguard/client/peer1-computer1# echo "DNS =," >> peer1-computer1.conf
wireguard:/etc/wireguard/client/peer1-computer1# echo "PrivateKey = $(cat privatekey)" >> peer1-computer1.conf
wireguard:/etc/wireguard/client/peer1-computer1# echo "[Peer]" >> peer1-computer1.conf
wireguard:/etc/wireguard/client/peer1-computer1# echo "Endpoint =" >> peer1-computer1.conf
wireguard:/etc/wireguard/client/peer1-computer1# echo "AllowedIPs =, ::0/0" >> peer1-computer1.conf
wireguard:/etc/wireguard/client/peer1-computer1# echo "PublicKey = $(cat /etc/wireguard/publickey" >> peer1-computer1.conf
wireguard:/etc/wireguard/client/peer1-computer1# echo "PresharedKey = $(cat peer1psk)" >> peer1-computer1.conf
wireguard:/etc/wireguard/client/peer1-computer1# vi peer1-computer1.conf
Address =
PrivateKey = peer1privatekeypeer1privatekeypeer1privateke
DNS =,
Endpoint =
AllowedIPs =, ::/0
PublicKey = serverpublickeyserverpublickeyserverpublicke
PresharedKey = peer1pskpeer1pskpeer1pskpeer1pskpeer1pskpeer
and so on...
Add client to the server config
wireguard:/etc/wireguard# vi myconfig.conf
PrivateKey = serverprivatekeyserverprivatekeyserverprivat
ListenPort = 51230
PublicKey = peer1publickeypeer1publickeypeer1publickeype
AllowedIPs =
PresharedKey = peer1pskpeer1pskpeer1pskpeer1pskpeer1pskpeer
PublicKey =
AllowedIPs =
PresharedKey =
PublicKey =
AllowedIPs =
PresharedKey =
and so on...
load the configuration of the wg0 interface:
wireguard:/etc/wireguard# ifdown wg0
wireguard:/etc/wireguard# /etc/init.d/networking restart
wireguard:/etc/wireguard# wg setconf wg0 myconfig.conf
wireguard:/etc/wireguard# ifup wg0
wireguard:/etc/wireguard# wg
V/ Configure your clients
All that remains is to import the configuration file on the client.
install wireguard client ( ),
If your client is under Windows, export client config with Notepad++ (copy/paste) and use: Edit > EOL conversion > Unix(LF) before saving the configuration file.
If ever an import option by qrcode is possible (Android or iOS client), the solution is simple:
qrencode -t ansiutf8 < /etc/wireguard/client/peer-smartphone/peer-smartphone.conf
Speedtest through vpn tunnel:
wireguard:~# apk install iperf3
wireguard:~# iperf3 -s
ctrl-c to exit
iperf3 -c remotehost -i 1 -t 30 #Run a 30 second tests, giving results every 1 second
iperf3 -c remotehost -i 1 -t 30 -R #Run a test from remotehost to localhost
Server Minis Forum UM250 : Max CPU usage 0.003 Max Memory usage 6.68 MiB Wireguard Proxmox VE LXC Alpine Linux 3.15
Bibliography: (1) (3) (4) (4) (5) (6)