[SOLVED] Proxmox iptables firewall

im not sure if it's possible via the PVE firewall, but you can just create a postrouting rule in the nat table with iptables
im not sure if it's possible via the PVE firewall, but you can just create a postrouting rule in the nat table with iptables
The vm is windows could I create another vm for linux and point it through the linux vm?
no you should be to do it directly on the host itself aka proxmox via command line like so:
sudo iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s $windowsip -j SNAT --to $whateverip
no you should be to do it directly on the host itself aka proxmox via command line like so:
sudo iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s $windowsip -j SNAT --to $whateverip
ahhh ok, are there commands to select a specific vm to apply the rules to?
in iptables? no, but you can filter based on mac address/interface if you want instead of ips.
Wait for $windowsip do I put my public ip or the private ip if I want to point to another public ip? If I can use private ip I could just use the unique ip given to the vm correct?
Wait for $windowsip do I put my public ip or the private ip if I want to point to another public ip? If I can use private ip I could just use the unique ip given to the vm correct?
you would put whatever ip the windows vm is using to send traffic out currently, which would probably be your private ip and the $whateverip is the public ip you wish to use