I have searched here on the proxmox forum for a couple of hours without finding what i looking for.
For example so have both solusvm and Opennebula created a feature called IP Hijacking, it prevent users to be able to add a different IP-adress on their virtual machine that's not belongs to them.
For example KVM vm number one:
eth0 have ip : and it belongs to the user of the vm. But then the user comes up with the brilliant idea and make a alias upon the current eth0 network.
He/or she added an extra alias like this on their virtual machine : "ifconfig eth0:0 netmask up"
Now the user been able to add a different public IP from the current /24, and this is not how it should work. If the user not own the current IP it should not be possible to add it as an extra alias and have it working out of the public internet.
It looks like OpenNebula have created an extra feature added to OpenVswitch: http://docs.opennebula.io/4.10/administration/networking/openvswitch.html
IP hijacking
These rules prevent any traffic to come out of the port for IPv4 IP’s not configured for a VM
Both SolusVM and OpenNebula have comes up with a solution for this and i wonder if Proxmox have anything to protect against this? And if something that is relative easy to implement.
Let me know if you need more information.
I have searched here on the proxmox forum for a couple of hours without finding what i looking for.
For example so have both solusvm and Opennebula created a feature called IP Hijacking, it prevent users to be able to add a different IP-adress on their virtual machine that's not belongs to them.
For example KVM vm number one:
eth0 have ip : and it belongs to the user of the vm. But then the user comes up with the brilliant idea and make a alias upon the current eth0 network.
He/or she added an extra alias like this on their virtual machine : "ifconfig eth0:0 netmask up"
Now the user been able to add a different public IP from the current /24, and this is not how it should work. If the user not own the current IP it should not be possible to add it as an extra alias and have it working out of the public internet.
It looks like OpenNebula have created an extra feature added to OpenVswitch: http://docs.opennebula.io/4.10/administration/networking/openvswitch.html
IP hijacking
These rules prevent any traffic to come out of the port for IPv4 IP’s not configured for a VM
Both SolusVM and OpenNebula have comes up with a solution for this and i wonder if Proxmox have anything to protect against this? And if something that is relative easy to implement.
Let me know if you need more information.
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