i think i have a simple question. I have an old PVE Host with local Storage as local-lvm (lvm-thin) and want to migrate my VMs to a new Host with a local-zfs. My planned method is to install the new Host and create a Cluster between the new and the old host. After that i migrate the VMs to the new Host and uncluster the nodes. Is this correct or is there a trouble because the different storage types? Im not that familiar yet with this kind of migration.
Best regards
i think i have a simple question. I have an old PVE Host with local Storage as local-lvm (lvm-thin) and want to migrate my VMs to a new Host with a local-zfs. My planned method is to install the new Host and create a Cluster between the new and the old host. After that i migrate the VMs to the new Host and uncluster the nodes. Is this correct or is there a trouble because the different storage types? Im not that familiar yet with this kind of migration.
Best regards