Proxmox Full/Incremental/Differential Backup Solution


New Member
Sep 5, 2023
I have installed PBS and integrated with my Proxmox VE. I have created backup policy and it's creating backup as per my schedule but I am not able to create Incremental or Differential backup. If I want to create a backup policy that in a week one day will be full backup and other days will be incremental then how can I do that?

Advance Thanks :)
PBS uses deduplication for all backups. So there is no need for Incremental or differential backups. You get that automatically.
PBS uses deduplication for all backups. So there is no need for Incremental or differential backups. You get that automatically.
So If I compare with veeam then in veeam backup incremental are assigned under full backup and all the backup(Full/Incremental) considering as one backup. So if I configure retention policy with 2 then it can restore or last 2 backup where full and incremental both present. Is there any option like that in Proxmox VE?
PBS isn't doing differential backups. Every backup is a full backup and at the same time a incremental backup. This is achieved by deduplication, as every backup snapshot is referencing all its chunks but no chunk gets stored more than once.

If you mean by "full" backup you want multiple full-size copies of your VMs/LXCs you could create another datastore as deduplication only works datastore-wide. But then it would make more sense to actually get another PBS server offsite and make use of sync jobs to keep them synced.
PBS isn't doing differential backups. Every backup is a full backup and at the same time a incremental backup. This is achieved by deduplication, as every backup snapshot is referencing all its chunks but no chunk gets stored more than once.

If you mean by "full" backup you want multiple full-size copies of your VMs/LXCs you could create another datastore as deduplication only works datastore-wide. But then it would make more sense to actually get another PBS server offsite and make use of sync jobs to keep them synced.
Thanks for your reply. Now I understand.