Proxmox Cluster Networking setup

Feb 9, 2017

I'm trying to create the following topology:


A few Details on the above topology:

1. Proxmox Servers have 6 nics.
2. 2x Nics Public network bond to cumulus switches with Public IP addresses announced from our routers.
3. 2x Nics Proxmox network bond to cumulus switches with Private IP addresses.
4. 2x Nics Ceph network bond to cumulus switches with Private IP addresses.

What is the best way to implement this in proxmox nodes?
I would like for the network between Cumulus and routers to be a routed one, while providing public gateway to VM's inside the nodes ( with redundancy using VRRP ).
The ultimate goal here is to provide redundancy in case a switch/link fails.
In case more info is needed I would be happy to provide it.

Best Regards,
Panagiotis Botos

could you specify "best way to implement" maybe a bit more? Configuring multiple network devices in Proxmox VE can be done in the GUI:

You can also manually edit /etc/network/interfaces to change settings like assigning IP addresses with DHCP.

In case you haven't done so yet, I'd suggest you install Proxmox VE in a VM and create nested VMs in it to get a better idea of the networking options. In addition, the Proxmox VE Administration Guide has a section about host network configuration.