I'm new to the PROXMOX system, coming from VMware, XCP-ng and Harvester, trying to get my feet wet with some HA fun.
I've set up a PROXMOX Cluster with 3 Nodes and CEPH, working great.
Now I'm trying to access the GUI loadbalanced of all nodes via a single URL.
I have 2 NGINX webservers installed as layer-4 loadbalancers (config below) with a keepalieved vIP accessed internally by a NGINX Proxy Manager and externally by a Cloudflare Tunnel.
If I hit the vIP of the loadbalancers I can access the PROXMOX GUI and the loadbalancing does work.
If I setup the NGINX Proxy Manager to redirect to a single node IP i can access the PROXMOX GUI.
If I setup the NGINX Proxy Manager to redirect to the loadbalancers vIP, i cannot access the GUI, getting a ERR_CONNECTION_RESET.
Has anyone else encountered the same issue, trying to get the GUI working behind a proxy and loadbalancer and has a fix for me?
Thanks in advance.
I'm new to the PROXMOX system, coming from VMware, XCP-ng and Harvester, trying to get my feet wet with some HA fun.
I've set up a PROXMOX Cluster with 3 Nodes and CEPH, working great.
Now I'm trying to access the GUI loadbalanced of all nodes via a single URL.
I have 2 NGINX webservers installed as layer-4 loadbalancers (config below) with a keepalieved vIP accessed internally by a NGINX Proxy Manager and externally by a Cloudflare Tunnel.
If I hit the vIP of the loadbalancers I can access the PROXMOX GUI and the loadbalancing does work.
If I setup the NGINX Proxy Manager to redirect to a single node IP i can access the PROXMOX GUI.
If I setup the NGINX Proxy Manager to redirect to the loadbalancers vIP, i cannot access the GUI, getting a ERR_CONNECTION_RESET.
Has anyone else encountered the same issue, trying to get the GUI working behind a proxy and loadbalancer and has a fix for me?
Thanks in advance.
load_module /usr/lib/nginx/modules/ngx_stream_module.so;
worker_processes 4;
worker_rlimit_nofile 40000;
events {
worker_connections 8192;
stream {
upstream proxmox_servers_https {
server max_fails=3 fail_timeout=5s;
server max_fails=3 fail_timeout=5s;
server max_fails=3 fail_timeout=5s;
server {
listen 8006;
proxy_pass proxmox_servers_https;