Proxmox Backup Server 2.4 available

It is 1.3 GB Mailfolder, so quite a view files, but with a full restore the files are ther, they are only missing in the zipfile, which is oviosly incomplete and has to be fixed by zip -FF before being able to be unzipped.
The backup is done with snapshot.
mhm... i tested here with 1000000 files n a folder on a mountpoint and it worked without problems...
can you maybe trigger that on your end with testdata and upload the broken zip somewhere? maybe that way i can see what's corrupted
I can try to trigger it with testdata tomorrow, but see post #16, it happens ONLY with the folder on a mountpoint, if i copy the folder to the root filesysstem and do a backup i can restore that, but not the orig folder on the mountpoint ??
Problem does NOT appear with my testdata, unfortunatly
mhmm is there something special about the files? the size/metadata/attributes/filename/etc. ?
"Normal" dovecot mailfolder, should not be anything special. If i mount the archive i see all the files, full restore of the server works, the problem seems to be in the zip creation, but no error or warning in the logs.
ok so without being able to reproduce the issue, there is not much i can do here.. if you find an example that you can share, please open a bug report on and attach/link it there
Will do so, sorry i can not provide data. Maybe there is a problem with the pbs machine, it is the only pbs where i experienced that problem.
Thank you for the support.
We have quite an old Proxmox VE 6.3-3 and are using Proxmox Backup Server 2.1-2 and would like to upgrade the Backup Server to 2.4. Is there a compatibility matrix where one can see which Proxmox VE version is compatible with which Proxmox Backup Server?
We don't break backward compatibility in point releases, so if you're already on 2.1, going to 2.4 should not affect older clients that are working now.

In general, for a solution with external use sites like Proxmox Backup Server we also try to keep backward compat for older clients even in new major releases. But, periodic tests are only done for currently supported releases, while older only best effort or at support requests, so we cannot give a hard guarantee that older will never break.

The backup format itself will almost certainly never break, even if we'll add new versions of it, older versions will still be readable for at least a decade (and normally, even longer).

Independent of that, the old Proxmox VE 6 is EOL since roughly a year, so upgrading that would be recommended:
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What do you think S3 or other such immutability protection do here (more than PBS does already)? ;)

Note that the content addressable storage already gives you strong protection, and more important the possible to safely detect any wrong doing; which then allows you to restore from syncs and/or tapes - see our chapter in the docs for how to protect against ransomware or other data mutation in PBS.

Ceph, S3 and their lock features are just software with a "please don't delete me" on a bit of steroids and on a separate instances (i.e., decoupled from the backup server host), certainly nice and can bring some protection, but I don't see how they "magically" protect more than our content integrity verification combined with syncs or tape backup do.

Please also note that with Proxmox Backup Server 2.4 we got support for WORM tapes (pro-tip: not the best terms to google without some additional terms like LTO to avoid getting a nice view of some parasites ;)) - Write Once Read Many tapes.
Those (and naturally normal tapes too) you can lock in a safe or otherwise secure location, giving one of the safest and most secure "if all else fails" protections there is.

That said, we still plan to implement S3, but due to its architecture it will need some special handling over standard syncs – that's why we also hinted that it will work more like tape does now. But I don't think it will have the huge safety benefits from some immutable flag on the (S3) storage over our existing architecture; but sure, I can understand wanting it, especially if one already depends on that already (i.e., has it evaluated and heavily tested to meet their requirements) and/or has it on the (often not so mutable) "must have" checklist from higher ups. When exactly I cannot say, that would just create wrong expectations (our devs normally don't work by hard deadlines, but rather ship stuff when it is ready, to avoid half-baked things getting pushed through), but we started working on some prerequisites in the sync framework (local-to-local and push based sync) which should both make it a bit easier to implement a s3 target then.
When will immutibilty been available in Proxmox? We urgently need it.
What do you think S3 or other such immutability protection do here (more than PBS does already)? ;)


That said, we still plan to implement S3, but due to its architecture it will need some special handling over standard syncs – that's why we also hinted that it will work more like tape does now

the emphatic word there that *I* want from S3: like tape does now