Proxmox Backup on the Tapes

@chybz - You might have already figured this out, but you'll need to set the "drivenum" on the first drive to '0' and the "drivenum" on the second drive to '1'

I had this working for a couple years with both set to '0' or just left blank, but on the newest version of PBS it wasn't working for me.

In the GUI you'll probably see that after clicking on your changer that you only see on of the drives even though you have added both in the 'Drives' section of 'Tape Backup'?
Hi.. worked finally. I just left 1 drive + changer .. changed drivenum=0 in tape.cfg..

I'm able to format tape..

Next pb is encryption. drives are encryped with a no-longer-existing EKMS server .. no login to remove/unconfigure that . and I'm afraid that factory reset will destroy all my licenses ...

Seems to be weird
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Hi, same test. same results. "wait_until_ready failed - got timeout"

- Server id HP DL380G8 (from StoreOnce 6500)
- Library is HP ESL G3 with LTO6 Fiber (through SAN switch)
- Library partition has all resources (all slots/i-e/drives)
- 2 drives D09 and D12 are zoned with server

- changer is working from CLI and GUI
- unable to use drive : format / label
- have 2nd configuration on other site : same errors

What did I missed ?

root@bckpcy01srv14:~# proxmox-tape  label --label-text NR0013L6 --drive D09 --pool TESTPOOL
TASK ERROR: open drive 'D09' (/dev/tape/by-id/scsi-80128D0031-sg) failed - wait_until_ready failed - got timeout
Error: task failed (status open drive 'D09' (/dev/tape/by-id/scsi-80128D0031-sg) failed - wait_until_ready failed - got timeout)

root@bckpcy01srv14:/var/log/proxmox-backup/tasks# proxmox-backup-manager versions --verbose
proxmox-backup                unknown  running kernel: 6.8.8-3-pve
proxmox-backup-server         3.2.7-1  running version: 3.2.7    
proxmox-kernel-helper         8.1.0                              
ifupdown2                     unknown                            
libjs-extjs                   7.0.0-4                            
proxmox-backup-docs           3.2.7-1                            
proxmox-backup-client         3.2.7-1                            
proxmox-mail-forward          unknown                            
proxmox-mini-journalreader    1.4.0                              
proxmox-offline-mirror-helper unknown                            
proxmox-widget-toolkit        4.2.3                              
pve-xtermjs                   5.3.0-3                            
smartmontools                 7.3-pve1                          
zfsutils-linux                2.1.11-1
It was drive encryption. We hacked the non-longer-supported-library and cracked the 'security' user account that manages encryption. That's ok now.

Next issue is now how drive are numbered

My library is an Adic i2000 branded by HP

It has partitions

For the test, I only gave 9 drives out of 12 in that partition. They appear in Linux in reverse order .. Drive 12 has the lowest SCSI number .

I can't figure out how to number drivenum in tape.cfg.

we have several drive numbering methods

Linux :
srv14,st0,9:0,3:0:0:0,HP ,Ultrium 6-SCSI ,naa.50014380128d0043,J5SW,running
srv14,st1,9:1,3:0:1:0,HP ,Ultrium 6-SCSI ,naa.50014380128d003d,J5SW,running
srv14,st2,9:2,3:0:2:0,HP ,Ultrium 6-SCSI ,naa.50014380128d0031,J5SW,running
srv14,st3,9:3,3:0:3:0,HP ,Ultrium 6-SCSI ,naa.50014380128d0037,J5SW,running
srv14,st4,9:4,3:0:4:0,HP ,Ultrium 6-SCSI ,naa.50014380128d002b,J5SW,running
srv14,st5,9:5,3:0:5:0,HP ,Ultrium 6-SCSI ,naa.50014380128d0025,J5SW,running
srv14,st6,9:6,3:0:6:0,HP ,Ultrium 6-SCSI ,naa.50014380128d001f,J5SW,running
srv14,st7,9:7,3:0:7:0,HP ,Ultrium 6-SCSI ,naa.50014380128d0019,J5SW,running
srv14,st8,9:8,3:0:8:0,HP ,Ultrium 6-SCSI ,naa.50014380128d0013,J5SW,running
srv14,sch0,86:0,3:0:0:1,HP ,ESL G3 Series ,752H,running

Library CLI with physical and logical view (partition) :
/>show drive hostport
Drive               WWNN/WWPN                Status    Mode  Speed     LoopID
------------------  -----------------------  --------  ----  --------  ------
Drive 1   
  Port 1    Down      Soft  AutoNeg      126
  Port 2    Down      Soft  AutoNeg      126
Drive 3   
  Port 1    Down      Soft  AutoNeg      126
  Port 2    Down      Soft  AutoNeg      126
Drive 5   
  Port 1    Down      Soft  AutoNeg      126
  Port 2    Down      Soft  AutoNeg      126
Drive 7 (P1 D1)
  Port 1    Active    Soft  AutoNeg      126
  Port 2    Down      Soft  AutoNeg      126
Drive 9 (P1 D2)
  Port 1    Active    Soft  AutoNeg      126
  Port 2    Down      Soft  AutoNeg      126
Drive 11 (P1 D3)
  Port 1    Active    Soft  AutoNeg      126
  Port 2    Down      Soft  AutoNeg      126
Drive 13 (P1 D4)
  Port 1    Active    Soft  AutoNeg      126
  Port 2    Down      Soft  AutoNeg      126
Drive 15 (P1 D5)
  Port 1    Active    Soft  AutoNeg      126
  Port 2    Down      Soft  AutoNeg      126
Drive 17 (P1 D6)
  Port 1    Active    Soft  AutoNeg      126
  Port 2    Down      Soft  AutoNeg      126
Drive 19 (P1 D7)
  Port 1    Active    Soft  AutoNeg      126
  Port 2    Down      Soft  AutoNeg      126
Drive 21 (P1 D8)
  Port 1    Active    Soft  AutoNeg      126
  Port 2    Down      Soft  AutoNeg      126
Drive 23 (P1 D9)
  Port 1    Active    Soft  AutoNeg      126
  Port 2    Down      Soft  AutoNeg      126

root@srv14:/etc/proxmox-backup# proxmox-tape  drive scan
│ path                               │ vendor │ model          │ serial     │
│ /dev/tape/by-id/scsi-80128D0013-sg │ HP     │ Ultrium_6-SCSI │ 80128D0013 │
│ /dev/tape/by-id/scsi-80128D0019-sg │ HP     │ Ultrium_6-SCSI │ 80128D0019 │
│ /dev/tape/by-id/scsi-80128D001F-sg │ HP     │ Ultrium_6-SCSI │ 80128D001F │
│ /dev/tape/by-id/scsi-80128D0025-sg │ HP     │ Ultrium_6-SCSI │ 80128D0025 │
│ /dev/tape/by-id/scsi-80128D002B-sg │ HP     │ Ultrium_6-SCSI │ 80128D002B │
│ /dev/tape/by-id/scsi-80128D0031-sg │ HP     │ Ultrium_6-SCSI │ 80128D0031 │
│ /dev/tape/by-id/scsi-80128D0037-sg │ HP     │ Ultrium_6-SCSI │ 80128D0037 │
│ /dev/tape/by-id/scsi-80128D003D-sg │ HP     │ Ultrium_6-SCSI │ 80128D003D │
│ /dev/tape/by-id/scsi-80128D0043-sg │ HP     │ Ultrium_6-SCSI │ 80128D0043 │

installed Drive 12, is seen as Physical Drive 23 (logical P1 D9) is the first shown on linux server, and i chose to show the media changer through that drive

which drivenum shall I set ?

Here is my tape .cfg file

root@1srv14:/etc/proxmox-backup# cat tape.cfg
lto: D04
        changer eslg3
        changer-drivenum 3
        path /dev/tape/by-id/scsi-80128D0013-sg

lto: D05
        changer eslg3
        changer-drivenum 4
        path /dev/tape/by-id/scsi-80128D0019-sg

lto: D06
        changer eslg3
        changer-drivenum 5
        path /dev/tape/by-id/scsi-80128D001F-sg

lto: D07
        changer eslg3
        changer-drivenum 6
        path /dev/tape/by-id/scsi-80128D0025-sg

lto: D08
        changer eslg3
        changer-drivenum 7
        path /dev/tape/by-id/scsi-80128D002B-sg

lto: D09
        changer eslg3
        changer-drivenum 8
        path /dev/tape/by-id/scsi-80128D0031-sg

lto: D10
        changer eslg3
        changer-drivenum 9
        path /dev/tape/by-id/scsi-80128D0037-sg

lto: D11
        changer eslg3
        changer-drivenum 10
        path /dev/tape/by-id/scsi-80128D003D-sg

lto: D12
        changer eslg3
        changer-drivenum 11
        path /dev/tape/by-id/scsi-80128D0043-sg

changer: eslg3
        export-slots 265,266,267,268,269,270,271,272,273,274,275,276,277,278,279,280,281,282,283,284,285,286,287,288
        path /dev/tape/by-id/scsi-2U06055001_LL0

root@srv14:/etc/proxmox-backup# proxmox-tape changer status eslg3
│ entry-kind    │ entry-id │ label-text │ loaded-slot │
│ drive         │        0 │            │             │
│ drive         │        1 │            │             │
│ drive         │        2 │            │             │
│ drive         │        3 │ NR0011L6   │           3 │
│ drive         │        4 │            │             │
│ drive         │        5 │            │             │
│ drive         │        6 │            │             │
│ drive         │        7 │            │             │
│ drive         │        8 │            │             │

Library view :
Coordinate           Elem    Vendor    Product           Physical S/N                      Logical S/N
-------------------  ------  --------  ----------------  --------------------------------  ----------------
[ 1, 1, 1, 4, 1, 1]     256  HP        Ultrium 6-SCSI    HUJ5515BMT                        80128D0013     
[ 1, 1, 1, 5, 1, 1]     257  HP        Ultrium 6-SCSI    HUJ5515BMC                        80128D0019     
[ 1, 1, 1, 6, 1, 1]     258  HP        Ultrium 6-SCSI    HUJ5515BNV                        80128D001F     
[ 1, 1, 1, 7, 1, 1]     259  HP        Ultrium 6-SCSI    HUJ5515BN1                        80128D0025     
[ 1, 1, 1, 8, 1, 1]     260  HP        Ultrium 6-SCSI    HUJ5515BMJ                        80128D002B     
[ 1, 1, 1, 9, 1, 1]     261  HP        Ultrium 6-SCSI    HUJ5515BMP                        80128D0031     
[ 1, 1, 1,10, 1, 1]     262  HP        Ultrium 6-SCSI    HUJ5515BMM                        80128D0037     
[ 1, 1, 1,11, 1, 1]     263  HP        Ultrium 6-SCSI    HUJ6055KW4                        80128D003D     
[ 1, 1, 1,12, 1, 1]     264  HP        Ultrium 6-SCSI    HUJ54653F9                        80128D0043

Any idea which drive numbering I should use ?


Hi.. worked finally. I just left 1 drive + changer .. changed drivenum=0 in tape.cfg..

I'm able to format tape..

Next pb is encryption. drives are encryped with a no-longer-existing EKMS server .. no login to remove/unconfigure that . and I'm afraid that factory reset will destroy all my licenses ...

Seems to be weird

I too change the drive num to 0. Now, at least it starts backing up the datastore.


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