[SOLVED] Proxmox-Backup-Client not working on RaspberryPi


Oct 15, 2023

I have a bunch of SBC RaspberryPis used for IOT, which I'd love to backup.

When trying to install it like on any other system I get this error:

So is there really no RaspberryPi support??

Any way to bridge around this limitation, or are build for RaspberryPi possible?
Oi, but your snippet above is showing "...doesn't support architectue 'armhf' "!? Looks like that you have a wrong setting in one of your sources under /etc/apt/
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For the 1st step please post the content of your /etc/apt/sources.list and, if applicable, the content(s) of all files under /etc/apt/sources.list.d/
These are the sources where the OS will download all packages from.
You are having a mixup of "bullseye" (Debian 11) and "bookworm" (Debian 12), at least for tailscale. This may work but isn't recommended at all. Also have a look at docker.list where the wrong armhf is shown.
And better to post text output as "code" than as a not searchable picture ;)
Okay, thanks for the info, I'll slowly update the apt sources to bookwork, and update docker to aarch64.

Do you think this will fix the issue?

Also sorry for the screenshots, I worked from remote via Guacamole, where copy+paste is a bit of a hassle :/
"bookworm", not "bookwork". The latter won't run any update :)
Will this fix the issue? It should, as long there aren't already any messed up dependencies between the 3rd party sources and/or Debian.
To be sure take your SD card before update, insert it into a handsome and friendly OS and create an image from the SD by using "dd" for example.
Not really correct. Proxmox itself is providing a client for x86-64 only, but there are some working and well maintained packages for aarch64, namely ArchLinux/aarch64 or self baked

Since this here is the official Proxmox community forum and the OP uses respectively tries to use the official PBS client repository, my answer, of course, refers to the official support...
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Since this here is the official Proxmox community forum and the OP uses respectively tries to use the official PBS client repository, my answer, of course, refers to the official support...

I'm not saying you were wrong with post #11, but I can't see any plan or source that the OP is using/tries to use the official PBS client repository - yet.
I'm not saying you were wrong with post #11, but I can't see any plan or source that the OP is using/tries to use the official PBS client repository - yet.

Screenshot in the first/initial post: