Proxmox Auto Delete old Backups


Well-Known Member
Oct 20, 2017

we add a NFS Storage as Backup, and dump the Backups via vzdump ( Proxmox gui )

now our question: it is possible to delete old Backups ?

as example. we Dump vm with the Id 100 all 24h, and need the Backups for 3 Days.
Also must Proxmox delete allways Backup number 4 from the Backup Storage.

i check the /etc/vzdump.conf and edit:
maxfiles: 3 and add remove: 1

but i think my config is a little bit whrong ;D
if you do this via the webinterface, the only way is for scheduled backup jobs (datacenter->backup)
this uses the storages 'max backup' parameter to determine how many backups there can be at maximum and after a successful one, deletes the oldest