proxmox API vncproxy, vncwebsocket - noVNC


New Member
Jun 23, 2015

i`m trying to make PHP script to connect to proxmox specific VM via noVNC trough proxmox API.

I have created PHP script and can successfully connect to it with JAVA VNC, but cant connect with noVNC.
I`m using pve2-api-php-client and i have created script for JAVA VNC:

$hostname = "";
// VM ID
$vid = "11111";

$pve2 = new PVE2_API("", "root", "pam", "password");

if (!empty($pve2)) {

    if ($pve2->login()) {
        foreach ($pve2->get_node_list() as $node_name) {
//            print_r($pve2->get("/nodes/".$node_name."/status"));

// specifing on what node vm exists
if ($node_name == "srv1") {
echo "<pre>";
echo "vncproxy POST\n";
$vncproxy = $pve2->post("/nodes/srv1/qemu/".$vid."/vncproxy");
print_r ($vncproxy);

$new_vncwebsocket = array();
$new_vncwebsocket['port'] = $vncproxy['port'];
$new_vncwebsocket['vncticket'] = $vncproxy['ticket'];

echo "vncwebsocket get\n";
$vncwebsocket = $pve2->get("/nodes/srv1/qemu/".$vid."/vncwebsocket", $new_vncwebsocket);
print_r ($vncwebsocket);

PVE_vnc_console_event = function(appletid, action, err) {

<applet id='22222' border='true' code='com.tigervnc.vncviewer.VncViewer' archive='' width='150%' height='150%' style='width: 840px; height: 706px; '>
<param name='id' value='22222'>
<param name='PVECert' value='<?php echo str_replace("\n", '|', $vncproxy["cert"]); ?>'>
<param name='HOST' value='<?php echo $hostname; ?>'>
<param name='PORT' value='<?php echo $vncproxy["port"]; ?>'>
<param name='USERNAME' value='<?php echo $vncproxy["user"]; ?>'>
<param name='password' value='<?php echo $vncproxy["ticket"]; ?>'>
<param name='Show Controls' value='Yes'>
<param name='Offer Relogin' value='Yes'>

echo "\n";
echo "<iframe src='novnc/vnc.php?name=".$vncproxy["user"]."&token=".base64_encode($vncproxy["ticket"])."'></iframe>\n";

    } else {
        print("Login to Proxmox Host failed.\n");
} else {
    print("Could not create PVE2_API object.\n");

i have downloaded to my remote web page VncViewer.jar from proxmox page (because new java have security settings) and with JAVA applet everything works fine, but
wont work at all
i have downloaded from proxmox page novnc folder too

so where can be problem?
how to make noVNC to work?

BTW i`m getting from vncproxy results like:
cert, user, upid, port, ticket
but i cant get anything from vncwebsocket

Thank you all for reading my post and Thank for all your posts
Last edited:

i`m trying to make PHP script to connect to proxmox specific VM via noVNC trough proxmox API.

I have created PHP script and can successfully connect to it with JAVA VNC, but cant connect with noVNC.
I`m using pve2-api-php-client and i have created script for JAVA VNC:

you have any result at novnc?
Me too. "vncwebsocket" just return noting!
For what it's worth after 7 years:

Without array at the end it will not work with a POST command
$vncproxy = $pve2->post("/nodes/".$node_name."/qemu/".$vid."/vncproxy", array());


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