I'm trying to get the storages informations from the proxmox API in python3.x.
Example: https://hyp.lan/api2/json/nodes/hyp/storage/hyp_sto/content"
I don't have problem with my web browser:
{"data":[{"content":"images","size":343597383680,"parent":null,"format":"qcow2","vmid":"103","used":333933707264,"volid":"VMs_XXXX:103/vm-103-disk-1.qcow2"} ...."
But in python, i don't have a result
The others informations like qemu, node... work fine.
I have activate the debug on urllib3:
DEBUG:urllib3.connectionpool:"GET /api2/json/nodes/hyp/storage/hyp_sto/content HTTP/1.1" 200 11
header: Cache-Control header: Connection header: Connection header: Date header: Pragma header: Server header: Content-Length header: Content-Type header: Expires {"data":[]}
I don't understand why i have this response only on this API request.
Thank you !
I'm trying to get the storages informations from the proxmox API in python3.x.
Example: https://hyp.lan/api2/json/nodes/hyp/storage/hyp_sto/content"
I don't have problem with my web browser:
{"data":[{"content":"images","size":343597383680,"parent":null,"format":"qcow2","vmid":"103","used":333933707264,"volid":"VMs_XXXX:103/vm-103-disk-1.qcow2"} ...."
But in python, i don't have a result
The others informations like qemu, node... work fine.
I have activate the debug on urllib3:
DEBUG:urllib3.connectionpool:"GET /api2/json/nodes/hyp/storage/hyp_sto/content HTTP/1.1" 200 11
header: Cache-Control header: Connection header: Connection header: Date header: Pragma header: Server header: Content-Length header: Content-Type header: Expires {"data":[]}
I don't understand why i have this response only on this API request.
Thank you !