Currently I am working on a small script that runs in the command line that gets information on my proxmox cluster, what's running, etc. I have it pulling all my nodes, vm's, lxc's, etc and does really well. I am currently trying to figure out the best approach to utilizing the Proxmox API to get when each LXC etc was last updated
I am currently using these endpoints
GET /nodes
GET /nodes/{node}/qemu
GET /nodes/{node}/qemu/{vmid}/agent
GET /nodes/{node}/lxc
GET /nodes/{node}/lxc/{vmid}/status/current
GET /nodes/{node}/lxc/{vmid}/exec
Along with
self.proxmox.nodes(node).qemu(vmid).agent.get('exec', command=
To try and pull when it was last updated.
I will admit, I am failing. I am still new to programming and am trying my hardest. Is there a better endpoint I could be using for this?
Currently I am working on a small script that runs in the command line that gets information on my proxmox cluster, what's running, etc. I have it pulling all my nodes, vm's, lxc's, etc and does really well. I am currently trying to figure out the best approach to utilizing the Proxmox API to get when each LXC etc was last updated
I am currently using these endpoints
GET /nodes
GET /nodes/{node}/qemu
GET /nodes/{node}/qemu/{vmid}/agent
GET /nodes/{node}/lxc
GET /nodes/{node}/lxc/{vmid}/status/current
GET /nodes/{node}/lxc/{vmid}/exec
Along with
self.proxmox.nodes(node).qemu(vmid).agent.get('exec', command=
To try and pull when it was last updated.
I will admit, I am failing. I am still new to programming and am trying my hardest. Is there a better endpoint I could be using for this?