Proxmox and OpenMediaVault disk question


New Member
Jan 23, 2023

I have installed Proxmox on my HP T620 for OpenMediaVault in VM101 and HomeAssistant in VM100. I have connected via mPCIe to SATA adapter 2x WD RED disk 1TB for OMV purpose.

Both are added to OMV VM as SCSI

I observe issue that from some reason from time to time Proxmox change a disk from SDB to SDD /SDC to SDE and after that I got io-error on VM, after that whole proxmox need to be restart.

Anyone can help me with it?
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Changing disk names shouldn't be a problem itself, as you are using WWNs. But for me that would indicate that your controller got some problem losing the disks and then re-adding them.
When I open console of VM OMV there was as follow:

I will check controller and disk power supply.

But is it a way to assign disk to same SD each time? For example assign particular ID to SDA etc?
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You already added the disks with WNNs. So no matter if that disk is sdb or sdd, /dev/disk/by-id/wnn-x50014... will always point to the correct disk. You can check that with ls -la /dev/disk/by-id which will symlink to either sdb or sdd.
Maybe I know what happened that`s why I`m asking.
I have a two WD disk which are connected via SATA port to adapter, but power supply for disk is external and might be control separately. So I can turn off power supply for disk with running HP where VM is installed (and probably it happened yeasterday and today i notice this issue). I checked once again and when I turnoff power supply for disk and put back disks are up and running but Proxmox is assigning new letters SDB-->SDC // SDC-->SDE and after some time (few minutes) VM is frozen with io-errors. So it looks even disk are added by WNN VM is checking in somehow letter after SD...
You can't power down the HDDs while the VM is running. Keep in mind that your VM isn't using the real phyiscal disks. It is using virtual disks that are mapped to your physical disks. When the disks fail (for example power lost) while the VM is running it will fail and you need to restart the VM. Shutting of power while the VM is running might also corrupt your data.
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