[SOLVED] Proxmox and Kiwi syslog


Sep 6, 2021

For my homelab I try to send my logs to Kiwi. I dont see where I can set this? In "System>syslog" there is no setting for this.
(eg. On pfsense it works great after set.) Any ideas please ...?
pve does not have built-in support for kiwi. but i would check their documentation for normal linux installations on how to do that
Proxmox dont have a "normal" email notification. Now it confirm that dont have option to send log to remote server. well well not easy the proxmox.... :rolleyes:
but i would check their documentation for normal linux installations on how to do that
What do you mean by this ?


BTW I find this post (old 2009!)

Just enter the IP (or resolvable name) of your syslog server here:
Configuration/System/Reports - Syslog Server
This option Proxmox remove it ?? ( D'oh! )
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Proxmox dont have a "normal" email notification.
what do you mean?

Now it confirm that dont have option to send log to remote server.
i did not say that, i said pve has no support for kiwi (honestly i do not know it)

What do you mean by this ?
that Proxmox is a (mostly) standard debian linux underneath, so you can do most things you can do with a normal debian linux installation

if you want remote syslog, check the relevant debian documentation: https://wiki.debian.org/Rsyslog
Is there a simple settings to send log to remote syslog ? (I mean by a graphic setting in Proxmox.)

Yes already. Looks complicate....
not more complicated than any other regular linux administration task

remote syslog is not a common request, thus there is no gui/configuration for it, but as i already pointed out, nothing is stopping you from setting it up
And please what would you recommend for monitor Proxmox ?
this depends on your needs, built in are exports for graphite/influxdb. for some this is enough, but you can ofc install any linux monitoring solution (icinga,nagios,zabbix,....)
Ok use this infos here (for Proxmox-ve_7.0-2)

"We need to configure rsyslog to accept incoming log messages from other hosts. We’ll need to edit the file /etc/rsyslog.conf to achieve this. We’ll uncomment the four lines below to enable both TCP and UDP"

# provides UDP syslog reception
input(type="imudp" port="514")

# provides TCP syslog reception
input(type="imtcp" port="514")

Then below I add this to make it send to IP of your Kiwi Syslog server

*.* @192.xx.xx.xx:514

Dont forget to restart Rsyslog

sudo systemctl restart rsyslog

After this you see logs from Proxmox in Kiwi and thats geat :)

Et voila!
Job done.
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