Proxmox - adding a new IP to an existing VZ


Active Member
Feb 13, 2010
Hi @ all,
i have my Server by Hetzner. I have installed Proxmox 1.5 and run a Debian VZ on it.
Now i need to add an aditional IP Adress to this VZ. How can i do this?
do you have venet or veth in your container?

venet: just add it via admin gui (separate with a space)
veth: configure inside the container
Thanks for your answer.
I have done so... In the GUI i see now both ip separated by comma and whitespace.
But if i try to open the IP ( into an Browser, i got an Timeout.

If i do a traceroute, he comes till my proxmox-server (x.x.x.202), then the request timed out.
What xould be the Problem?
Worked properbly on my vz.
The fault must be at your configuration rethus, I use a hetzner Server too and I addet the 2nd IP without any problems in seconds.