Proxmox 8.3 Installation freeze at "loading drivers"


New Member
Nov 21, 2024
Hi All,

I trying to install Proxmox on Dell Power Edge R910 and the installation whatever in graphical or terminal UI, debug or not stop at loading drvivers.

See attachement.

May be I've miss something, but I can't figura out how to installa Proxmox 8.3 on Dell PowerEdge R910.

Thanks in advance for any suggestion.
You could try by adding the nomodeset parameter to the kernel boot line, as in the docs. I believe the new installer has such a built-in function as in this post.

Alternately you could install Debian & then Proxmox on-top, as detailed here.
I agree with @gfngfn256 , you can try nomodeset. In addition to that you can also add noapic nolapic flags.
Simply press E to edit boot parameters at the installer boot menu. Then add the option flags at the of the line starting with 'linux'.
Hi all,

Thanks for your suggestions. I've done this while crowling the forum for answer. The issue change but installaton still fails.
Installation is still looking for the ISO
Whith is weird as the installation is made from the USB drive...
Did I miss something ?