Proxmox 8.1.8 ISO


New Member
Oct 23, 2023
I want to download Proxmox 8.1.8 ISO. I am not able to find the iso file anywhere. Can anyone help me to find the installation file.
Thanks. But my current cluster has 8.1.8 version. So I need to install the new host to this version.
As said in the other thread: If you really want to, you could check the version of each installed Proxmox package on the 8.1.8 nodes and install that exact same version on the new node, But it's a lot of work and easy to make a mistake.

According to Proxmox staff (in the other thread) you don't need to worry about minor version differences : . But why not update all nodes to the latest 8.3 and get (security) fixes?

Why do you need to use that particular version? That's not how Proxmox is intended to be used.

EDIT: I'll stop bothering you about updating (as I don't really care) but there simple is no Proxmox VE 8.1.8 ISO or snapshot or something like it.
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Reactions: Johannes S
so is it ok to install 8.1.x with this cluster ? At the moment I cannot do the upgrade as this runs some production VMs. I need MW to do the upgrade. Until that i need add this host to the cluster. So Can I install 8.1 version as the minor version does not have any impact ? Where I can download 8.1 ISO ?