Proxmox 7 Error move Disk from NFS to iSCSI


Renowned Member
Dec 8, 2009
I try to move disk from NFS Mount to iSCSI and got the follow error:
Proxmox Virtual Environment 7.0-8
Virtual Machine 107 (CleanOS-Image) on node 'node01'
create full clone of drive scsi0 (NFSMount:107/vm-107-disk-0.qcow2)
WARNING: dos signature detected on /dev/iscsistorage1/vm-107-disk-0 at offset 510. Wipe it? [y/n]: [n]
Aborted wiping of dos.
1 existing signature left on the device.
Failed to wipe signatures on logical volume iscsistorage1/vm-107-disk-0.
TASK ERROR: storage migration failed: lvcreate 'iscsistorage1/vm-107-disk-0' error: Aborting. Failed to wipe start of new LV.

also restore from NFS to iscsi destination show error:
Proxmox Virtual Environment 7.0-8

restore vma archive: zstd -q -d -c /mnt/pve/NFSMount/dump/vzdump-qemu-1000-2021_06_28-01_03_53.vma.zst | vma extract -v -r /var/tmp/vzdumptmp3196241.fifo - /var/tmp/vzdumptmp3196241
CFG: size: 941 name: qemu-server.conf
DEV: dev_id=1 size: 10737418240 devname: drive-scsi0
CTIME: Mon Jun 28 01:03:56 2021
WARNING: iso9660 signature detected on /dev/iscsistorage1/vm-106-cloudinit at offset 32769. Wipe it? [y/n]: [n]
  Aborted wiping of iso9660.
  1 existing signature left on the device.
  Failed to wipe signatures on logical volume storage1/vm-106-cloudinit.
no lock found trying to remove 'create'  lock
error before or during data restore, some or all disks were not completely restored. VM 106 state is NOT cleaned up.
TASK ERROR: command 'set -o pipefail && zstd -q -d -c /mnt/pve/NFSMount/dump/vzdump-qemu-1000-2021_06_28-01_03_53.vma.zst | vma extract -v -r /var/tmp/vzdumptmp3196241.fifo - /var/tmp/vzdumptmp3196241' failed: lvcreate 'iscsistorage1/vm-106-cloudinit' error:   Aborting. Failed to wipe start of new LV.
Hey , i'm kinda new to the proxmox , but i was working on creating a vm from Terraform .
Anyway the response error i get from the Proxmox console looks like similar to yours:

create full clone of drive ide2 (local-lvm:vm-9000-cloudinit)
WARNING: iso9660 signature detected on /dev/ssdlvm/vm-107-cloudinit at offset 32769. Wipe it? [y/n]: [n]
  Aborted wiping of iso9660.
  1 existing signature left on the device.
  Failed to wipe signatures on logical volume ssdlvm/vm-107-cloudinit.
TASK ERROR: clone failed: lvcreate 'ssdlvm/vm-107-cloudinit' error:   Aborting. Failed to wipe start of new LV.

How did you upgraded the Proxmox , via apt-get ?
I'm on the version you were 7.0-8 .