He guys,
I try to build Proxmox cluster in my lab, I have 6 old laptops and when I try to join them to cluster it works when is 4 but 5 and 6 are grey out or red like offline. I can connect on all nodes via ssh or web. Any idea why that or I'm doing something wrong. I'm now to Proxmox.
My lab looks like two different networks 10.20.0/24 and 10.30.0/24, does network are connected over OSPF between two routers. Maybe could be that problem?
I'm using on both sides three nodes.
For now I did solution two clusters, one on each network with ceph installed. Would be possible to do all nodes into one cluster or at least join two data centres into one management?
I try to build Proxmox cluster in my lab, I have 6 old laptops and when I try to join them to cluster it works when is 4 but 5 and 6 are grey out or red like offline. I can connect on all nodes via ssh or web. Any idea why that or I'm doing something wrong. I'm now to Proxmox.
My lab looks like two different networks 10.20.0/24 and 10.30.0/24, does network are connected over OSPF between two routers. Maybe could be that problem?
I'm using on both sides three nodes.
For now I did solution two clusters, one on each network with ceph installed. Would be possible to do all nodes into one cluster or at least join two data centres into one management?