ProxMox 5.0 Add Cluster Failure


New Member
Oct 17, 2016
root@pve2_silvermoon:~# pvecm add pve2_silvermoon
The authenticity of host 'pve2_silvermoon (' can't be established.
ECDSA key fingerprint is SHA256:tmFI+4LIYrajENxvI1aoJIqyqBwVAr4w5pouWdOGnRY.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
400 Parameter verification failed.
node: invalid format - value does not look like a valid node name

pvecm addnode <node> [OPTIONS]
unable to add node: command failed (ssh pve2_silvermoon -o BatchMode=yes pvecm addnode pve2_silvermoon --force 1)

I can't get this to add to my cluster for some reason?
Thank you, I noticed that was the problem after wiping both machines and restarting over. I got it fixed now, and I couldn't find that link for some reasons earlier, appreciate your time!
Hello, It is perfectly valid to have underscores in the hostname as it is said in RFC 2181, section 11, "Name syntax"

Examples of servers with '_' in their names:

Route 53 and other DNS servers accepts hostnames with '_' characters.

The UI does not accept names with '_' though. Could you please fix it?

PS: The restriction is with domain names. But hostnames inside the domain name with '_' are legal and valid names.