[SOLVED] Proxmox 4.2 GUI problem

I can confirm that this has been an issue on my Microsoft Surface Pro 4 (touch screen) since I upgraded to 4.2 several weeks ago.
Not sure if it is related but since getting the Surface Pro, mouse control in a guest console never works.
This is also a concern to me, and I'm getting it on a non-touchscreen win10 device with Chrome and Edge. Very frustrating. I found that in Chrome, when I attempt to do something like add storage, it would simply crash the browser. Edge would eventually load the screen, but rendering it very funnily and it's unusable.
I have the same issue and I've tested this on two separate laptops running Antergos Linux. Both laptops have touch screens. Fails in the latest chrome and chromium and works fine in firefox. Let me know if there's any useful information I can provide.
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for touchscreen devices i already sent a fix a few days ago, see https://git.proxmox.com/?p=pve-manager.git;a=commitdiff;h=b06458502b900c0d68a861a083b22abcffea4c7e
this will be in the packages with pve-manager >= 4.2-18

i strongly believe that the users without a touchscreen also face the same problem, only with another root cause, so hopefully the patch fixes both

Hi Dominik

Thanks a lot for your awesome work! I just started pveproxy in debug again, set a breakpoint at the first line of the pvemanagerlib.js and when the breakpoint was reached, I edited the code inline so that "me.suspendLayout = true/false" was in there. And what can I say... works like a charm here! Eagerly waiting for that fix to reach a public release now. :)

Best regards,
Im having the same issue. started out with version 5.0. All it does is freeze up, before I can even get a Windows ISO image uploaded. On top of that, the content menu will not load so that I can get to the Upload tab to upload the ISO image.... If I refresh my screen enough times with the right storage or node tab enabled it will finally pop up.
That being said, every time I open a window, try to make a change, or basically navigate anywhere it freezes and I must refresh my browser.

Using Chrome on a 27" 32GB iMac, Very frustrated and disappointed. Obviously this thread was from a while back and still no fix for this issue. Hard to believe,...
Obviously this thread was from a while back and still no fix for this issue. Hard to believe,...
Hi, since the previous poster mentioned my fixed worked, it seems you run into a different issue.
could you please open a new thread with a more detailed explanation of your problem (what you do, what you expect, and what happens?)
so that we can fix the issue. (maybe with the chrome developer console open and posting any error messages that pop up? that would be very helpful :) )
also please try to clean your browser cache (if not done already)
Im having the same issue. started out with version 5.0. All it does is freeze up, before I can even get a Windows ISO image uploaded. On top of that, the content menu will not load so that I can get to the Upload tab to upload the ISO image.... If I refresh my screen enough times with the right storage or node tab enabled it will finally pop up.
That being said, every time I open a window, try to make a change, or basically navigate anywhere it freezes and I must refresh my browser.

Using Chrome on a 27" 32GB iMac, Very frustrated and disappointed. Obviously this thread was from a while back and still no fix for this issue. Hard to believe,...

If Chrome detects that your system has touch enabled, then the UI will ONLY work using touch. I wish it worked using both even while touch was enabled. The workaround that I use when using a mouse connected to a docked touch-screen laptop is to disable touch in Chrome.
  1. Load chrome://flags
  2. Search for Touch Events API
  3. Set it to Disabled instead of automatic
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A same problem here.
I use an HP proBook 650 G1 with firefox. no issues at all.
I switched to an Microsoft surface Pro 5 and now the whole interface is unusable. clicking on icons do not work. and if i get lucky and get into a console. the mouse will not work.
I switched back to the old laptop and all works perfctly.

Using proxmox 4.4-13
On both laptops firefox 54.0.1
did you try the fix mentioned above?