Proxmox 1.4beta2: Backup from iscsi storage didn´t finish....

Or maybe you can setup another computer (or a VM) with openfiler and test if that happens with openfiler too?
vzdump --snapshot --compress --dumpdir /var/lib/vz/dump/ 112

Where dumpdir lies on the local hdd in an lvm

You cant dump into the snapshot itself - I guess you get this error when you issue above command?
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ok, today i setup a nfs server. The server runs only under a 32bit environment. Is there a wait, to split the backups that are bigger than 2GB? Because of the limit of 2GB files, the nfs backup ended with errors.

Oct 15 18:01:03 INFO: status = stopped
Oct 15 18:01:03 INFO: backup mode: stop
Oct 15 18:01:03 INFO: bandwidth limit: 10240 KB/s
Oct 15 18:01:03 INFO: creating archive '/mnt/pve/backup-vm/vzdump-qemu-107.tgz'
Oct 15 18:01:03 INFO: adding '/mnt/pve/backup-vm/vzdump-qemu-107.tmp/qemu-server.conf' to archive ('qemu-server.conf')
Oct 15 18:01:03 INFO: adding '/var/lib/vz/images/107/Server-pve.vmdk' to archive ('vm-disk-ide0.vmdk')
Oct 15 18:07:55 INFO: 2147483647 B 2.0 GB 412.3 s (6:52 min) 5207952 B/s 4.97 MB/s
Oct 15 18:07:55 INFO: write: File too large
Oct 15 18:07:55 INFO: received signal - terminate process
Oct 15 18:07:59 ERROR: Backup of VM 107 failed - command '/usr/lib/qemu-server/vmtar '/mnt/pve/backup-vm/vzdump-qemu-107.tmp/qemu-server.conf' 'qemu-server.conf' '/var/lib/vz/images/107/Server-pve.vmdk' 'vm-disk-ide0.vmdk' |gzip |cstream -t 10485760 >/mnt/pve/backup-vm/vzdump-qemu-107.dat' failed with exit code 2

Regards, Valle
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its the latest OpenFiler 2.3 (32Bit) with NFS v3 Support directly installed on a PowerEdge850. I have read bevor, that NFS only support filesize that not greater than 2GB.

The Wiki says:
support for 64-bit file sizes and offsets, to handle files larger than 2 gigabytes (GB);

But i have a 32-bit Serverplatform .... so how can i do backups where the file is greater than 2 GB? Think the only way is to make a iscsi storage an bind it to the proxmox server over the iscsi initiator, or is there a better way to make backups to a other server that supports only 32bit?

Regards, valle
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its the latest OpenFiler 2.3 (32Bit) with NFS v3 Support directly installed on a PowerEdge850. I have read bevor, that NFS only support filesize that not greater than 2GB.

This is true for NFSv2 - but NFSv3 support larger files.

The Wiki says:
support for 64-bit file sizes and offsets, to handle files larger than 2 gigabytes (GB);

But i have a 32-bit Serverplatform .... so how can i do backups where the file is greater than 2 GB?

Why not?

Did you already asked on th openfiler forum - I think thats a bug - so maybe they have a fix.
ok, have setup a nfs server with unfs3 in debian (32bit) and it works now. The only thing is the iscsi storage, i cant make a backup the iscsi storage to nfs server *grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr*
so, i have checked the vzdump function with the iscsi storage again.

If i use vzdump the backup from the iscsi storage never finished. Look at topic on the top.

Today i make ab backup from the iscsi storage with

proxmox01:/var/lib/vz/dump# dd if=/dev/pve-kvm/vm-111-disk-1 of=/var/lib/vz/dump/vm-111-disk-1.raw bs=4096
2621440+0 records in
2621440+0 records out
10737418240 bytes (11 GB) copied, 154.136 s, 69.7 MB/s


proxmox01:/# dd if=/dev/pve-kvm/vm-112-disk-1 of=/var/lib/vz/dump/vm-112-disk-1 bs=4096
2098176+0 records in
2098176+0 records out
8594128896 bytes (8.6 GB) copied, 211.212 s, 40.7 MB/s


proxmox01:/# dd if=/dev/pve-kvm/vm-114-disk-1 of=/var/lib/vz/dump/vm-114-disk-1 bs=4096
4813116+0 records in
4813116+0 records out
19714523136 bytes (20 GB) copied, 796.176 s, 24.8 MB/s

without any problem. So, i think it is a bug in vzdump.
What i saw with top, that the process vmtar gets 100% processor time and the xxxx.dat file not growing.
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without any problem. So, i think it is a bug in vzdump.
What i saw with top, that the process vmtar gets 100% processor time and the xxxx.dat file not growing.

Is it possible to get a copy of that disk? So that I can reproduce the bug.
i have tried it with all 3 discs above. All are the same problem.
I have deleted the lvm on the iscsi for more tests. The iscsi store is empty now.

i think it is the block size from 4096 on the iscsi store that are make the problem.
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Ok, now i have formated the base storage with a block size of 512 on the iscsi storage and the backup with vzdump works, too!
After a few test more, i found that only a block size of 512 works. All block size bigger than 512 will not work with vzdump backup. qmrestore works with a blocksize tested till 4096.

restore the machine to iscsi store ...

proxmox01:~# qmrestore --storage kvm-data-01 /mnt/pve/backup/vzdump-qemu-111.tgz 9999
INFO: restore QemuServer backup '/mnt/pve/backup/vzdump-qemu-111.tgz' using ID 9999
INFO: extracting 'qemu-server.conf' from archive
INFO: extracting 'vm-disk-ide0.raw' from archive
INFO:   Rounding up size to full physical extent 10.00 GB
INFO:   Logical volume "vm-9999-disk-1" created
INFO: got signal
INFO: new volume ID is 'kvm-data-01:vm-9999-disk-1'
INFO: restore data to '/dev/pve-kvm/vm-9999-disk-1' (10737418240 bytes)
INFO: 20971520+0 records in
INFO: 20971520+0 records out
INFO: 10737418240 bytes (11 GB) copied, 1055.67 s, 10.2 MB/s
INFO: restore QemuServer backup '/mnt/pve/backup/vzdump-qemu-111.tgz' successful
and backup the machine ...

proxmox01:~# vzdump --compress 9999     
INFO: starting new backup job: vzdump --compress 9999
INFO: Starting Backup of VM 9999 (qemu)
INFO: stopped
INFO: status = stopped
INFO: backup mode: stop
INFO: bandwidth limit: 10240 KB/s
INFO: creating archive '/var/lib/vz/dump/vzdump-qemu-9999.tgz'
INFO: adding '/var/lib/vz/dump/vzdump-qemu-9999.tmp/qemu-server.conf' to archive ('qemu-server.conf')
INFO: adding '/dev/pve-kvm/vm-9999-disk-1' to archive ('vm-disk-ide0.raw')
INFO: Total bytes written: 10129294336 (10.70 MiB/s)
INFO: archive file size: 5.42GB
INFO: Finished Backup of VM 9999 (00:15:05)
INFO: Backup job finished successfuly
And the Login/Logout messages from here are blown away.

Regards, Valle
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Ok, please can you tell me how to reproduce that. Can I reproduce that with openfiler? Where do I set blocksize to 4096?

I have tested it with our TheCus I4500r. There you can setup the blocksize for the iscsi volume. At this time, i dont have access to the openfiler box. I am this week on holiday.

Regards, Valle
This is true for NFSv2 - but NFSv3 support larger files.
Did you already asked on th openfiler forum - I think thats a bug - so maybe they have a fix.

Today, installed the latest fixes into the openfiler box (the box hasnt access to the internet, so update didnt work) and now the nfs accept more than 2gb and can used as a backup box.